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I think it is more essential for us but we cant dispose it, using plastic covers is not good.

But how to dispose it is the question? :blink:

It does not decompose like other waste that is the reason it is considered to be harmful for the environment. :blink:
Plastic are good to handle.Small children can easily use this items.We should not be aware of breaking.It is very light and easily cleaned.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Plastic items are really dangerous to us. They will take more years to digest in the earths surface by using plastic items we will get cancer also.

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Plastics are very useful one.While buying vegetable the green grocer put the vegetables in the plastic bags which help us to carry those items easily.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Nowadays most things are made with plastic and they are light and very easy to use esp containers and other household items.But we should take care not to burn it since it emits harmful gas which is the cause and can trigger of many respiratory diseases and also cancer.Ideally they should be recycled and reused so that the manufacture rate of new items come down

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