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I have been in Jaipur and there a complete ban on plastic bags has been implemented and is very successful. The move has been implemented everywhere and there is strict fine on those spotted selling stuffs in plastic bags. I believe every state should take some serious steps to curb the use.

great. Yes every state should take serious steps to stop the usage

As long as this is concerned with polythene I agree with it but you cannot take plastic out of our life.

But there is always a substitute. :)

Live in the present :)
I am trying to avoid plastic item But i couldn't. Now a days most of the items packed in plastic materials. But i am trying my level best.
I have been in Jaipur and there a complete ban on plastic bags has been implemented and is very successful. The move has been implemented everywhere and there is strict fine on those spotted selling stuffs in plastic bags. I believe every state should take some serious steps to curb the use.

great. Yes every state should take serious steps to stop the usage

As long as this is concerned with polythene I agree with it but you cannot take plastic out of our life.

But there is always a substitute. :)

Then stop using your computer, this contains a lots of plastic. Can you do it? :laugh: :laugh:

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Government has already put a ban on the polythene but due to the corrupt executive level government employees and officers ,its not rightly implemented.
Polythene is the worst enemy of environment in every meaning. Since this has been permitted to be used in road making by mixing it in hot mix stuff this could be utilized but no one is taking a proper step. Same is true for fly ash.

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I really try to avoid plastic bags. So I used, mostly clothes bags.

Plastic is really effect on environments and our health.

Be positive
Plastic items are durable.Now days variety of plastic items are sold and they are very fancy.We use plastic bottles instead of metal or glass one.These are easily carried and are very light weight.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Plastic is like a slow poison to our body which is so harmful when passing years.

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I have been in Jaipur and there a complete ban on plastic bags has been implemented and is very successful. The move has been implemented everywhere and there is strict fine on those spotted selling stuffs in plastic bags. I believe every state should take some serious steps to curb the use.

great. Yes every state should take serious steps to stop the usage

As long as this is concerned with polythene I agree with it but you cannot take plastic out of our life.

But there is always a substitute. :)

Then stop using your computer, this contains a lots of plastic. Can you do it? :laugh: :laugh:

No that would be difficult. Can't computers be made of Bio-degradable plastics?

Live in the present :)
Plastics are also destroyed/recycled. But I don't know its details.
Such processing is done for waste of big cities.

Meera sandhu
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