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Do you really think that can be the don't think so.

Do you really think that can be the don't think so.

may be as i don't know any other reason. :woohoo:
You know the one which I told you.. its more fitting one... ha ha

Yes there is one more reason, the mother who gives birth to a child knows him/her inside out and that's the reason child is more attached to mom.

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You know the one which I told you.. its more fitting one... ha ha

Lets see if someone comes out with some other reason. :)
Yes there is one more reason, the mother who gives birth to a child knows him/her inside out and that's the reason child is more attached to mom.

:blink: mother who gives birth to a child knows him/her inside out :blink:

Like Gandhari knew Duryodhan. :laugh:
Yes there is one more reason, the mother who gives birth to a child knows him/her inside out and that's the reason child is more attached to mom.

:blink: mother who gives birth to a child knows him/her inside out :blink:

Like Gandhari knew Duryodhan. :laugh:

Gandhari had blindfold on her eyes, remember?

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Yes there is one more reason, the mother who gives birth to a child knows him/her inside out and that's the reason child is more attached to mom.

:blink: mother who gives birth to a child knows him/her inside out :blink:

Like Gandhari knew Duryodhan. :laugh:

Gandhari had blindfold on her eyes, remember?

So what does a mother needs eyes to know her kids better. :laugh:
lol.. I don't know much about this history.. So out of discussion.

lol.. I don't know much about this history.. So out of discussion.

In that case why did GOD give us eyes for? To see the expressions.

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