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Mother is not at all so strict. She is always loving and cares a lot. I love my father and mother both equally. Both are equally caring and loving.
Primarily mother is the world to a kid but later both are important to him/her.
Mother stays with their children most of the times.She took care for her children.She cooks delicious food for the children.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I would say there's a different kind of bond between a mother and child than there's between a father and child, but I would not say that a child loves one more than the other.
I think mother are more friendly than father.And most children finds their mother always beside them.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Its very hard to answer because i love my mother and father same in equal rate.
Its very hard to answer because i love my mother and father same in equal rate.

And that is better one should love them equally. I am more close to my father since child hood as he always has been like a firnd for me. :)
Mothers are very loving and much caring.They look after all the needs of their children.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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