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lol.. I don't know much about this history.. So out of discussion.

In that case why did GOD give us eyes for? To see the expressions.

But sometimes we need something more than eyes to know about a person.Is it not? :blink:
lol.. I don't know much about this history.. So out of discussion.

In that case why did GOD give us eyes for? To see the expressions.

But sometimes we need something more than eyes to know about a person.Is it not? :blink:

Yes we can check them through their biceps etc. Wanna check me? :evil:

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lol.. I don't know much about this history.. So out of discussion.

In that case why did GOD give us eyes for? To see the expressions.

But sometimes we need something more than eyes to know about a person.Is it not? :blink:

Yes we can check them through their biceps etc. Wanna check me? :evil:

Hmm..that's why i said you have a very high understanding level i can't match up with you. :)
My father has remain in abroad. Since,When i was 6 years old, my father is working in abroad. My most of the life is spent with my mother and that is the reason, why i am more close to my mother.
My father is still working in abroad.

Want to make each day Accountable

In life the mothers contribution is more than a father. This may be one reason,but we should not differentiate them in long life.
In life the mothers contribution is more than a father. This may be one reason,but we should not differentiate them in long life.

Yes,the son or daughter relationship with Father and mother is such a relationship which can't be differentiate.

Want to make each day Accountable

lol.. I don't know much about this history.. So out of discussion.

In that case why did GOD give us eyes for? To see the expressions.

But sometimes we need something more than eyes to know about a person.Is it not? :blink:

Yes we can check them through their biceps etc. Wanna check me? :evil:

Hmm..that's why i said you have a very high understanding level i can't match up with you. :)

You are a chupa rustam- I know you can beat Dara singh also Bidu dara singh.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

I don't have an asnwer for it. :blink: May be she remains more with kids than the father and help kids if they find any difficulty at home. :blink:

No are absolutely wrong...
You are a boy. That's why you said so.

In most cases, girls love father more and boys love mother more.

It's applicable for me...even my daughter too :P

Meera sandhu
I don't have an asnwer for it. :blink: May be she remains more with kids than the father and help kids if they find any difficulty at home. :blink:

No are absolutely wrong...
You are a boy. That's why you said so.

In most cases, girls love father more and boys love mother more.

It's applicable for me...even my daughter too :P

This is common and I know my daughter loves me more.
I don't have an asnwer for it. :blink: May be she remains more with kids than the father and help kids if they find any difficulty at home. :blink:

No are absolutely wrong...
You are a boy. That's why you said so.

In most cases, girls love father more and boys love mother more.

It's applicable for me...even my daughter too :P

No its totally different for my daughter she loves her mother more than me.She can't live without her mother for few minutes though she won't remember me for hours but that is somewhat different with my son. :blink:
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