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The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small!
I have neither accumulated enough virtues to earn a ticket to heaven nor have I committed enough sins to be consigned to hell. I would like be born in another planet to see the state of affairs there!
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According to me, for both our good and bad deeds we have to suffer in earth itself.
Yet sometimes I feel, God shows partiality while giving punishments to people :huh: :huh: :huh:

Howe does God punish. People may get injured or lose owing to certain circumstances. If there were God and he would punish, there should be some fixed punishment and related to sin or crime like Indian Penal code.

Am saying.....
Are we not seeing bad people and thieves living comfortably while very often, innocent people come to trouble frequently. If they are ready to close their eyes, no problem. But people with true heart can't do so :evil: :evil:

Then....many good and evil things coming to our life, can't be determined by our acts only. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
There are different notions of good or evil. Prostitution is bad in most societies but this is normal for Bedia community.

Ultimately, if you do not play foul, go by social rules and law and do not cheat, you are a noble person. But if you cheat others and break social and legal norms, you deserve punishment. This may be in this world or as some say, in other after death world, by shifting to heaven or hell.

Heaven and hell are no doubt imaginary and differ from community to community. The Hindu swarg. nark differ from Muslim bahisht/ dojak. Some might have read Dante's inferno which is a classic book on hell.

In this world, reward and punishment are not same and depend on whether an individual is proved guilty or not. The events like sickness or accident are obviously not caused by good or bad deeds as some may hold. An accident will kill both- the noble and sinner.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are different notions of good or evil. Prostitution is bad in most societies but this is normal for Bedia community.

Ultimately, if you do not play foul, go by social rules and law and do not cheat, you are a noble person. But if you cheat others and break social and legal norms, you deserve punishment. This may be in this world or as some say, in other after death world, by shifting to heaven or hell.

Heaven and hell are no doubt imaginary and differ from community to community. The Hindu swarg. nark differ from Muslim bahisht/ dojak. Some might have read Dante's inferno which is a classic book on hell.

In this world, reward and punishment are not same and depend on whether an individual is proved guilty or not. The events like sickness or accident are obviously not caused by good or bad deeds as some may hold. An accident will kill both- the noble and sinner.

And the crimes/sins for which people escape from the society and never proved guilty are ofthen said to be punished by God in hell.May be this is fictitious but this we believe from ages and whats wrong in beleiving it may be we don't do any crimes due to fear of it. :blink:
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
There are different notions of good or evil. Prostitution is bad in most societies but this is normal for Bedia community.

Ultimately, if you do not play foul, go by social rules and law and do not cheat, you are a noble person. But if you cheat others and break social and legal norms, you deserve punishment. This may be in this world or as some say, in other after death world, by shifting to heaven or hell.

Heaven and hell are no doubt imaginary and differ from community to community. The Hindu swarg. nark differ from Muslim bahisht/ dojak. Some might have read Dante's inferno which is a classic book on hell.

In this world, reward and punishment are not same and depend on whether an individual is proved guilty or not. The events like sickness or accident are obviously not caused by good or bad deeds as some may hold. An accident will kill both- the noble and sinner.

And the crimes/sins for which people escape from the society and never proved guilty are ofthen said to be punished by God in hell.May be this is fictitious but this we believe from ages and whats wrong in beleiving it may be we don't do any crimes due to fear of it. :blink:

Wrong is that this is untrue. Truth alone triumphs. Crimes do not reduce because no body takes heaven and hell seriously. Actually we need a better sense of social responsibility than false beliefs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are different notions of good or evil. Prostitution is bad in most societies but this is normal for Bedia community.

Ultimately, if you do not play foul, go by social rules and law and do not cheat, you are a noble person. But if you cheat others and break social and legal norms, you deserve punishment. This may be in this world or as some say, in other after death world, by shifting to heaven or hell.

Heaven and hell are no doubt imaginary and differ from community to community. The Hindu swarg. nark differ from Muslim bahisht/ dojak. Some might have read Dante's inferno which is a classic book on hell.

In this world, reward and punishment are not same and depend on whether an individual is proved guilty or not. The events like sickness or accident are obviously not caused by good or bad deeds as some may hold. An accident will kill both- the noble and sinner.

And the crimes/sins for which people escape from the society and never proved guilty are ofthen said to be punished by God in hell.May be this is fictitious but this we believe from ages and whats wrong in beleiving it may be we don't do any crimes due to fear of it. :blink:

Wrong is that this is untrue. Truth alone triumphs. Crimes do not reduce because no body takes heaven and hell seriously. Actually we need a better sense of social responsibility than false beliefs.

Definitely truth wins at the end.Crimes is not reducing because people don't take heaven or hell seriously. :)

May be here we differ in views but thats OK everyone has his/her way of thinking. :)

Wrong is that this is untrue. Truth alone triumphs. Crimes do not reduce because no body takes heaven and hell seriously. Actually we need a better sense of social responsibility than false beliefs. [/quote]

Very true!! A better sense of responsibility and more empathy is what is needed rather than beliefs in something abstract like heaven and hell. To me, both exist on this very earth and each person gets to experience his or her own heaven and hell both during their lifetimes!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)


Wrong is that this is untrue. Truth alone triumphs. Crimes do not reduce because no body takes heaven and hell seriously. Actually we need a better sense of social responsibility than false beliefs.

Very true!! A better sense of responsibility and more empathy is what is needed rather than beliefs in something abstract like heaven and hell. To me, both exist on this very earth and each person gets to experience his or her own heaven and hell both during their lifetimes![/quote]
The definition of hell or heaven does not match with my ideas, what I feel is that both of these are here on this very earth where one has to answer for his every deed before making his final departure -so beware.

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I agree with @sunil...god is also within us. We cannt see..
The topic of discussion is really very interesting. I believe that Earth is punishment as well as reward area. People born on the earth, perform their duty, and if they do anything good, they get good results on earth. If they do anything bad, they get punishment on the earth.
Nobody surviving on earth can get rid of hardships and miseries.
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