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Heaven and hell are fictitious places that really do not exist. You make any place worth living by cleanliness, technology, forestation, cultural activities and so on. Nobody may create either heaven or hell for you.

But let the people understand them as the real place the moment they come to know that these are fictitious place may be they will not fear from God. :blink:

First we hurt you, then we heal you in the name of Religion and then we make you believe that heaven and hell are ultimate destinations. Then we Impose them on you and then We Rule- (Religion-Philosophy Theory)

No people won't hurt others if they fear from God if that fear vanishes away may be people won't care for anyone. :blink:

No Man i am not talking about common people. This is about the old pundits who have introduced such stuff. Yes sometimes its a good way to control but on the other hand , that's how they can divide, make you fight and rule you...

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
I am also talking about so called ----whatever you call them.

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Heaven and hell are fictitious places that really do not exist. You make any place worth living by cleanliness, technology, forestation, cultural activities and so on. Nobody may create either heaven or hell for you.

But let the people understand them as the real place the moment they come to know that these are fictitious place may be they will not fear from God. :blink:

Very funny. You need fictitious places like heaven and hell to generate fear of hypothetical entity i.e. God.

Religion is based on falsehood, greed and fear. That is why this cannot improve peoples' moral character. You offer people 'hoors, menakas etc' (pretty women) and wine and all luxury in heaven if they are pious and sacrificing worldly comforts. why will an intelligent live a life of self denial just to get in fictitious heaven what he may get on Earth. Instead of waiting for 'hoors' in heaven, he womanizes on Earth and even rapes. Thus religion only promotes sin and offences and anti social activities.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Heaven and hell are fictitious places that really do not exist. You make any place worth living by cleanliness, technology, forestation, cultural activities and so on. Nobody may create either heaven or hell for you.

But let the people understand them as the real place the moment they come to know that these are fictitious place may be they will not fear from God. :blink:

Very funny. You need fictitious places like heaven and hell to generate fear of hypothetical entity i.e. God.

Religion is based on falsehood, greed and fear. That is why this cannot improve peoples' moral character. You offer people 'hoors, menakas etc' (pretty women) and wine and all luxury in heaven if they are pious and sacrificing worldly comforts. why will an intelligent live a life of self denial just to get in fictitious heaven what he may get on Earth. Instead of waiting for 'hoors' in heaven, he womanizes on Earth and even rapes. Thus religion only promotes sin and offences and anti social activities.

You said what I wanted to, but you know so called religious people would come after me as if I was the greatest sinner.

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Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Heaven and hell are fictitious places that really do not exist. You make any place worth living by cleanliness, technology, forestation, cultural activities and so on. Nobody may create either heaven or hell for you.

But let the people understand them as the real place the moment they come to know that these are fictitious place may be they will not fear from God. :blink:

Very funny. You need fictitious places like heaven and hell to generate fear of hypothetical entity i.e. God.

Religion is based on falsehood, greed and fear. That is why this cannot improve peoples' moral character. You offer people 'hoors, menakas etc' (pretty women) and wine and all luxury in heaven if they are pious and sacrificing worldly comforts. why will an intelligent live a life of self denial just to get in fictitious heaven what he may get on Earth. Instead of waiting for 'hoors' in heaven, he womanizes on Earth and even rapes. Thus religion only promotes sin and offences and anti social activities.

Gukshanji i have never gone to hell or heaven but i am sure in heaven there are not only hoors and wine there are several more comforts compared to hell where people are beaten and badly punished for their bad deeds. Therefore people don't like to go to hell not that they want to live with apsaras and wine in heaven. :laugh:

Moreover i am not a firm believer of God but i firmly believe that there should be someone above all of us with whom we could fear,it may be God or anything else. :blink:
Heaven and hell are fictitious places that really do not exist. You make any place worth living by cleanliness, technology, forestation, cultural activities and so on. Nobody may create either heaven or hell for you.

But let the people understand them as the real place the moment they come to know that these are fictitious place may be they will not fear from God. :blink:

Very funny. You need fictitious places like heaven and hell to generate fear of hypothetical entity i.e. God.

Religion is based on falsehood, greed and fear. That is why this cannot improve peoples' moral character. You offer people 'hoors, menakas etc' (pretty women) and wine and all luxury in heaven if they are pious and sacrificing worldly comforts. why will an intelligent live a life of self denial just to get in fictitious heaven what he may get on Earth. Instead of waiting for 'hoors' in heaven, he womanizes on Earth and even rapes. Thus religion only promotes sin and offences and anti social activities.

Gukshanji i have never gone to hell or heaven but i am sure in heaven there are not only hoors and wine there are several more comforts compared to hell where people are beaten and badly punished for their bad deeds. Therefore people don't like to go to hell not that they want to live with apsaras and wine in heaven. :laugh:

Moreover i am not a firm believer of God but i firmly believe that there should be someone above all of us with whom we could fear,it may be God or anything else. :blink:

I think hell or heaven is not so unbearable than staying is this world with troubles, diseases, disasters and much more. In anyway people depict hell as more dangerous place and heaven as most beautiful place. They forgot that they have proved that even heaven can be made as hell on earth
Heaven and hell are fictitious places that really do not exist. You make any place worth living by cleanliness, technology, forestation, cultural activities and so on. Nobody may create either heaven or hell for you.

But let the people understand them as the real place the moment they come to know that these are fictitious place may be they will not fear from God. :blink:

Very funny. You need fictitious places like heaven and hell to generate fear of hypothetical entity i.e. God.

Religion is based on falsehood, greed and fear. That is why this cannot improve peoples' moral character. You offer people 'hoors, menakas etc' (pretty women) and wine and all luxury in heaven if they are pious and sacrificing worldly comforts. why will an intelligent live a life of self denial just to get in fictitious heaven what he may get on Earth. Instead of waiting for 'hoors' in heaven, he womanizes on Earth and even rapes. Thus religion only promotes sin and offences and anti social activities.

Gukshanji i have never gone to hell or heaven but i am sure in heaven there are not only hoors and wine there are several more comforts compared to hell where people are beaten and badly punished for their bad deeds. Therefore people don't like to go to hell not that they want to live with apsaras and wine in heaven. :laugh:

Moreover i am not a firm believer of God but i firmly believe that there should be someone above all of us with whom we could fear,it may be God or anything else. :blink:

I think hell or heaven is not so unbearable than staying is this world with troubles, diseases, disasters and much more. In anyway people depict hell as more dangerous place and heaven as most beautiful place. They forgot that they have proved that even heaven can be made as hell on earth

May be the earth became hell as we did not care for it but heaven is still heaven because the rules there may be still strict and are followed strictly. :laugh:
Heaven and hell are fictitious places that really do not exist. You make any place worth living by cleanliness, technology, forestation, cultural activities and so on. Nobody may create either heaven or hell for you.

But let the people understand them as the real place the moment they come to know that these are fictitious place may be they will not fear from God. :blink:

Very funny. You need fictitious places like heaven and hell to generate fear of hypothetical entity i.e. God.

Religion is based on falsehood, greed and fear. That is why this cannot improve peoples' moral character. You offer people 'hoors, menakas etc' (pretty women) and wine and all luxury in heaven if they are pious and sacrificing worldly comforts. why will an intelligent live a life of self denial just to get in fictitious heaven what he may get on Earth. Instead of waiting for 'hoors' in heaven, he womanizes on Earth and even rapes. Thus religion only promotes sin and offences and anti social activities.

Gukshanji i have never gone to hell or heaven but i am sure in heaven there are not only hoors and wine there are several more comforts compared to hell where people are beaten and badly punished for their bad deeds. Therefore people don't like to go to hell not that they want to live with apsaras and wine in heaven. :laugh:

Moreover i am not a firm believer of God but i firmly believe that there should be someone above all of us with whom we could fear,it may be God or anything else. :blink:

You want some one whom we must fear. If there is nothing to fear, we should invent something to fear. We may thus create God whom we may fear. I repeat that you cannot bring improvement in society and improve human relations and social conditions or reduce crimes by such false notions as God, Heaven or hell.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I have neither accumulated enough virtues to earn a ticket to heaven nor have I committed enough sins to be consigned to hell. I would like be born in another planet to see the state of affairs there!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8030]}

According to me, for both our good and bad deeds we have to suffer in earth itself.
Yet sometimes I feel, God shows partiality while giving punishments to people :huh: :huh: :huh:

Meera sandhu
I have neither accumulated enough virtues to earn a ticket to heaven nor have I committed enough sins to be consigned to hell. I would like be born in another planet to see the state of affairs there!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8030]}

According to me, for both our good and bad deeds we have to suffer in earth itself.
Yet sometimes I feel, God shows partiality while giving punishments to people :huh: :huh: :huh:

Howe does God punish. People may get injured or lose owing to certain circumstances. If there were God and he would punish, there should be some fixed punishment and related to sin or crime like Indian Penal code.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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