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There are different statements coming from different sources but this will again happen a few months later and the same would be repeated again. They wont do any thing concrete.

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This is really government murder all the people who are responsible for this must be punished.

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So sad, How many more Mahi would fall before they would come out of their sleep, this has become a regular feature of late. :pinch:

Very very sad news and we should take a lesson from it not to quit any dig any where.

I think everyone has to take the blame for the death of that poor innocent child.Parents for being careless knowing what a death trap the country is and knowing there is work going on in the neighborhood...But the entire blame goes on the authorities who leave such places open without any kind of protection, this never happens at other countries..One really cant blame the police or the army since they have done the best that they could..

It is so sad and distressing! :( yes the authorities who let such places remain uncovered are to blame but the question I cannot help asking is - are authorities aware that such a hole exists? Who tried drilling a well and left it open?? Will such incidents be investigated and the owner of the land be punished??? Another big question is, will the parents of other children learn from this and supervise their children while they are playing???

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

There is also the responsibility of the Land owner to close that bore. Actually,in our law there is not such Punishment.
I think, with this incidents,government has to come up and take action.

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There is also the responsibility of the Land owner to close that bore. Actually,in our law there is not such Punishment.
I think, with this incidents,government has to come up and take action.

But the landowner can be held guilty of being responsible to someone's death because of his negligence to cover the said hole!! The question is, will the police abide by the law and arrest him??

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

There is also the responsibility of the Land owner to close that bore. Actually,in our law there is not such Punishment.
I think, with this incidents,government has to come up and take action.

But the landowner can be held guilty of being responsible to someone's death because of his negligence to cover the said hole!! The question is, will the police abide by the law and arrest him??

No they won't do moreover they won't be able to do as there are millions of these types of holes all over India and its our responsibility only to make our home safe first than to expect from someone to help us in this regard.Hope people would have learned a lesson from this incident this time. :blink:
This is the second case in the last few months. One was success now it is a bad news.

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Yes, its very sad news and not a new case. Blame should be given both for parents and the concern authorities who always negelect such a important thing.
Yes, its very sad news and not a new case. Blame should be given both for parents and the concern authorities who always negelect such a important thing.

But i guess these cases are even not reprted to authorities people just wait for each other to complain it to the authority. :evil: I hope now people would be more careful and do something for themselves. :blink:
I wish government should take this problem seriously and close the bore well holes

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