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What is the latest news?
I am also praying to get recover him soon safely.

I also don't know the recent news but i read it in today's news paper theat military is trying their best.The path/tunnel they are making to go to the excat location where Mahi is they are finding it difficult due to the soil and stones there moreover people now are not able to listen to her voice which were coming from the borewell when she fell in it. :( I pray everything is OK thee and she is rescued soon. :blink:
Thank you said by: RAM PROSAD ACHARYYA
I am tracking this news from Morning. The Army is very near.The Obstacle is the Rock.Last i heard that they are 2 feet to reach to Mahi.

Want to make each day Accountable

I am tracking this news from Morning. The Army is very near.The Obstacle is the Rock.Last i heard that they are 2 feet to reach to Mahi.

Good news given and please keep update.
This is always army in the end that comes to rescue of such children. This has become too common now, why don't they take proper action to close such holes?

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Friends did you come out or not. please post the update of this news

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

How can't I answer this thread???
My prayers are with her. Today morning, rescue team was able to reach her, though can't get any updates of her condition.

Let me add something about irresponsibility of elders, for which, only small innocent kids are going to suffer.

We are now living for rent in one of the homes of 4 brothers. All these 4 homes are in a row within a wall (ours the extreme end) and all homes have kids.
My girl is 4.5 years old, next home....2 elder boys above 10, next home 1 boy of 1 year old and the last home 2 girls (5 year old and 1.5 year old). So, it's clear, many except two boys, 4 kids are below 5 years old.

In the back yard of a home(3rd one) there is an old well, now used for irrigation purposes having water...inside the courtyard itself. Sure, all kids will play here also. Since unused for home purposes, that well is not cleaned for years. It has a good diameter but inside it, now many shrubs and grass grown.
You will be shocked to know that, its wall have only my knee height and it's not closed. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

We have told them several times, to close it with a grill. But they are not hearing. They are saying, kids won't go near it. :angry:
How is it possible. It's inside their courtyard and how can they guarantee kids won't do any mischief. Even if 1 kid kick/push the another, he can easy go inside as it's below my knee height.

Who should we blame? What can we do? :huh: :huh:

They may have full guarantee about their kids. But I don't have. So, I have warned my child never to go back side of the home, even if others call her. Yet, is it enough?

It won't cost more than 1000-2000. Yet they are ready to take risk of the life of their kids. Really surprising!!!! :blink:

Meera sandhu
How can't I answer this thread???
My prayers are with her. Today morning, rescue team was able to reach her, though can't get any updates of her condition.

Let me add something about irresponsibility of elders, for which, only small innocent kids are going to suffer.

We are now living for rent in one of the homes of 4 brothers. All these 4 homes are in a row within a wall (ours the extreme end) and all homes have kids.
My girl is 4.5 years old, next home....2 elder boys above 10, next home 1 boy of 1 year old and the last home 2 girls (5 year old and 1.5 year old). So, it's clear, many except two boys, 4 kids are below 5 years old.

In the back yard of a home(3rd one) there is an old well, now used for irrigation purposes having water...inside the courtyard itself. Sure, all kids will play here also. Since unused for home purposes, that well is not cleaned for years. It has a good diameter but inside it, now many shrubs and grass grown.
You will be shocked to know that, its wall have only my knee height and it's not closed. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

We have told them several times, to close it with a grill. But they are not hearing. They are saying, kids won't go near it. :angry:
How is it possible. It's inside their courtyard and how can they guarantee kids won't do any mischief. Even if 1 kid kick/push the another, he can easy go inside as it's below my knee height.

Who should we blame? What can we do? :huh: :huh:

They may have full guarantee about their kids. But I don't have. So, I have warned my child never to go back side of the home, even if others call her. Yet, is it enough?

It won't cost more than 1000-2000. Yet they are ready to take risk of the life of their kids. Really surprising!!!! :blink:

Thats shocking sandhya and I can understand your feelings as a mother.However, since it concern all of you, you can take some concrete steps like informing the authorities about it or get together get the grill installed by sharing the expenditure since it is not much anyway..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

We are shifting month as owner is a very arrogant person!!!! Not for this reason...yet we are shifting!!!! Now in search of a new home.

Meera sandhu

Want to make each day Accountable


So sad, How many more Mahi would fall before they would come out of their sleep, this has become a regular feature of late. :pinch:

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