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Earlier my husband used to say, if anyone of us is not interested in the relationship, it is better to complete that chapter as he believed in European culture earlier. As as years grow, he began to understand the need of a true relationship to remain stern till the end. I was able to make him believe so. :evil: :evil: :evil:

So real credits go to :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Now even if I try to run away, he will tie me somewhere :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Ya sandhya After all you want your husband like this so its pros and cons are for you only.......
:) :) :) :)

Never...All people have problems in marriage life so this is not only solution to get rid of problems. :) :) :) :)

Face the problem and win the race...Anger is not a courageous think..

see yaar, patience and adjustments is a real life.. ..Divorce is a western culture...we should not follow that...because We are Great Indians.... :P :P :P :P :P We are living in Maha Bharat....we have to follow our culture...enjoy life..

Ask justice from Lord...not from human court...

Prayer goes up and blessing comes down.. Lord can solve all problems...Trust Your God and leave all problems on his lotus feet.. :) :) :) :)

Worship the Lord always ..its our duty....

The Lord will guide you rest of the part...

That is not practical solution, Lord or god or who ever created us has too many things to take care of and not worry about our internal problems as well...When things go drastically wrong sometimes there is no way out but separate and be done with..

True... :) :) :) :)

but trust is beginning..... :)

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
Ya Mathi the first thing in every aspect of life is trust but we have to continue it for longer period.
Divorce may be the last solution but before that we should try to keep the relation.But not losing the humanity and self respect.
At last moment we try to save our relationship because we give so much time to our relation and how easily we break it easily.
Divorce may be the last solution but before that we should try to keep the relation.But not losing the humanity and self respect.

Absolutely divorce is the last solution when couple see no hope to save relationship they should go for it but these days i think youngsters lost patience and go for it without giving much time to dwell. :)
Ya youngester really not keep patience but there elders have to teach him/her lesson.
Ya youngester really not keep patience but there elders have to teach him/her lesson.

But sometimes their elder too get failed to teach them. :laugh: :evil:
I have heard alot of divorce cases who took divorce for silly things.

1) Wife gave divorce as husband is snoring.
2) wife don't like onions and husband love to eat. so she gave divorce.
3)Husband cheated wife and her family saying that he is working in good company but he didnt yet completed his studies , he is failed in many subjects. So wife gave divorce.

like this alot of cases

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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