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Very nice answer Joseph.Many new user come and gone might be you remain for longer period to serve this site..........
I think the dimension of the problem is too big and complex to answer with a simple 'yes' or 'no'! Joint family system which has reduced itself to relic of the past is not so without reasons. The relative assertiveness of Indian women has a historical background of exploitation not only by males but females also!How can we expect an enlightened educated woman to accept all injustices which their conscience,education and very self-respect do not allow them to! In joint families their lot was far more miserable than what could be imagined.There existed a hierarchical system - the more influential in terms of physical beauty or money would let loose a reign of terror upon the lesser beings!

Well, I think no one could have described it any better than you have! It is all so true, because of a long history of abuses at the hands of males and females equally in a big family, it is hardly surprising that no one wants a joint family any more, more than anything else, this is the major reason for rise of nuclear families!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
Earlier, in our joint families (not seen anywhere now), not father, but uncle has the supreme power. He takes all decisions of the family. Woman always busy in kitchen or with kids. Can't even be seen in front of male members.
For those 5-7 days, they can't even enter the homes,well, kitchen, courtyard, bedroom etc. Separate outhouses for them....separate dress...even separate plates to eat food :angry: :angry:
Still, it can be seen in big joint families. But now, all our nuclear families now, such systems are gradually disappearing.
Why such discrimination for women only???

Meera sandhu
We must stop divorce in country like Indian.Most of the Divorce case is due to the poor understanding of Both partner.Opposite thinking might bring them at a Door of Divorce........
If divorce is a solution then there wont be any relation ships in families.

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We can not stop it totally but can develop some understanding to make things better.

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We can council people and stop divorce

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We can council people and stop divorce

Counseling can often help to make up relations. But in most cases, couples see it as the last resort. At that time, matter would have become very worse

Meera sandhu
Yes councelling will help but also they must maintain good relation ship to continue that one.

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I feel, when a couple appear for divorce first they should be counciled and then try to make them adjust each other. Mostly court should should see to make them together.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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