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Yet, you are not ready to check its existence by giving me your DOB. Stop arguing and keep quiet..I am really angry. :angry: :angry: I have already told you.....your character resembles Bharani star. That's why I am curious to know if my predictions are right or not. If you think, am a believable person, PM your DOB. Otherwise I will assume, you are not believing me

Meera sandhu
sandhya that depends up on the situation, behavior, body language and way of speaking of the person

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I personally don't think that we can know a person within seconds. It is required to spend some time with the person in order to know him completely. Many times we try to judge a person through his first impression or external appearence. but it is totally unfair. First impression might prove wrong and external appearence does not highlights the internal behaviour of the person. So I think the a person can be known well only with time.
Sometimes our quick assumptions about a person can pay us a lot of damage in return. People are of different types.Some go well with us, even if they may not be very good. Some people, we can't with stand even if they are good among all others. Am I not right? It depends on mutual understanding and co-relation of ideas too

Meera sandhu
yes, sandhya. what you have said is true. such cases also happens

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Not even your entire life time, You may come to know some aspects of a person that he or she is willing to show to the world...I also like to add that we all change each day as we go through life and gain new experiences all of which make subtle changes in us.At times of stress we are surprised at ourselves as to how weak or strong we really are ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes, I agree. If a person is in stress, he may behave rough. We should never make false assumptions based on this!

Meera sandhu
Yes you are right it may take 7 minutes and 7 lives to understand some persons.
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For me one month time is enough for knowing about the person
Yes you are right it may take 7 minutes and 7 lives to understand some persons.

Really nice quote

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Meera sandhu
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