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Letter also can speak to us by writing on it. There are many things in this world with out taking we can know the expressions of such things.

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I can guess ,it is letter.Sandhya is it right?

I am going to kill you...sure :P :P

Meera sandhu
[quote]I am going to kill you...sure[/quote]
Give answer.No more suspense otherwise I will kill you.
I don't know why you people are not attempting it? ;)
Ceemji, I think you can decode it easily....I think, he has not seen this thread yet :sick:

Please friends, just don't give replies as "Give me answers". Instead, try to post a nice reply and ask me whether it's right :( :( :(

Meera sandhu
Letter also can speak to us by writing on it. There are many things in this world with out taking we can know the expressions of such things.

World's most beautiful/hurting words are not spoken by lips, but with hearts.....Now, can you decode it :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
Where is my answer???
Where are Ceemji and Gulshanji?
Am waiting for their replies, also Kalyani

Meera sandhu
This is still unanswered ,now you only can say the actual answer.
May be they are engaged in some other work and i wish they reply your post as soon as possible.......
This is really tough to answer.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

After a long time i see you in form section .......
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