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Good work means the work which is useful to people so that the words that talked by people.

I am going to fire you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Then what is the answer for this question. If it is not a good work.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Good work means the work which is useful to people so that the words that talked by people.

I am going to fire you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

hey please don't fire him otherwise we loose one good candidate. :P :P :P
Then what is the answer for this question. If it is not a good work.

Those words are feelings of my simple as me...why can't you understand it :(

Meera sandhu
Good work means the work which is useful to people so that the words that talked by people.

I am going to fire you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

hey please don't fire him otherwise we loose one good candidate. :P :P :P

I will fire you too, if you don't give me the answer :P

Meera sandhu
We all will fire you if you have not given the answer.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

We all will fire you if you have not given the answer.

Let me wait for some more answers. where is ceemji and Gulshanji :angry: :angry: :angry: ;)

Meera sandhu
We all will fire you if you have not given the answer.

Let me wait for some more answers. where is ceemji and Gulshanji :angry: :angry: :angry: ;)

Ok wait for sometime.It seems that both of them are offline now.
We all will fire you if you have not given the answer.

Let me wait for some more answers. where is ceemji and Gulshanji :angry: :angry: :angry: ;)

Ok wait for sometime.It seems that both of them are offline now.

Ceemji where is my answer :P

Meera sandhu
We all will fire you if you have not given the answer.

Let me wait for some more answers. where is ceemji and Gulshanji :angry: :angry: :angry: ;)

Ok wait for sometime.It seems that both of them are offline now.

Ceemji where is my answer :P

I think they are not going to reply your answer..........
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