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akp you can do one thing first write your article on a paper and then while writing here you can edit it where you need it will help you in editing also and in phrasing your paragraphs properly.

Actually I am doing something like that.. First writing it on ms word.. Then after it got ready 100% I post it here. So no problem.

That is wonderful way of writing your article akp, i shall do some thing same if i will write an article here.

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yes im also doing same but i havent yet submitted any article.because first i want to read more and more then i will submit.

That's good.. Best of luck for your first article..

I am writing first on a paper and presenting here due to this we will know we are having problem.

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yes im also doing same but i havent yet submitted any article.because first i want to read more and more then i will submit.

you can start writing some thing which you know familiar... :cheer:

Akansha have you started writing articles in this site. :( :(

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Akansha have you started writing articles in this site. :( :(

As she said, she haven't posted her first article yet.. She is studying other articles before posting her first.

Akansha try to write good articles in good english so that you can earn a good money for your pocket.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

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