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finally i got my article totally approved. Got the points and cash credits as well. now i hope you people will able to click on the above link to view it.

Oh wow that's really great :whistle: .How many articles have you written so far Angel? :)
Congratulation Angel .Is this your first article?
finally i got my article totally approved. Got the points and cash credits as well. now i hope you people will able to click on the above link to view it.

I read your article yesterday but i am surprised you did not add images in it may be you could have got more cash credits if you had added some images. :)
SJ.. Is their any options from which we can see particular user's articles?

SJ.. Is their any options from which we can see particular user's articles?

Yes go to ARTICLE section at the top then go to advance search and type user name there for which you want to check the articles. :)
Great.. Thanks SJ. I missed this thing, Now I can see some users article..

Great.. Thanks SJ. I missed this thing, Now I can see some users article..

No need to say thanks for it Anand i am always ready to help others if they ask something which i know. :)
He he.. I know that SJ. You are always helpful person.

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