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yes and even you can add pictures in your article related to your topic that will complete your article and will even give it a better meaning and people will find it more interesting as it will make the presentation of the article good.

Yes.. But posting article with copyright free images is hard.. But yes surely images can make article better and also give more cash credit. But yes they should be content related.

Sometimes pictures speak and express what we are not able to write. So you should be careful in doing so.

That's true. Article with image looks much better then only texts..

Thats why on my first day i was tensed when it was showing a problem in article writing because I didnt find a tab for inserting pics.

But finally you got it...

Even I got some problem during my first article submission.. I was tried to edit it and all article got mess up.

Welcome baby angel to the world of Boddunan and hope you will enjoy being with us.
Thats why on my first day i was tensed when it was showing a problem in article writing because I didnt find a tab for inserting pics.

I think now you have found that tab. :)
thanks ram.
yes sanjeev now i have got that tab actually it was not the problem of tab but it was something else which was solved automatically.

Sj... Have you ever tried to edit your article here, it's bit hard.

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