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An ordinary barber, mind it ordinary not a big saloon charges 50-60 Rs for a simple hair cut in 15 minutes, that we can get in other places for 20-30Rs. Not talking of big saloons. A mason charges 500-600 a carpenter 1000/or more.

Carpenter's charge is really.....I also, it reaches almost 1000. I will ask someone and post it later. Painter also gets such huge wages here.
Also, can't get a hair cut below 50 rs anywhere. :)

So clearly understood, no high education is needed to earn high :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Now 650-700 is the minimum charge for mansion builders and his assistant will get minimum 400 per day. Rates has increased tremendously in our state.
What about you?

Meera sandhu
As much as I know rates in North India especially in JK and Punjab have gone too high since the people from Bihar are finding better jobs in their own states.

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Here, a carpenter, electricians and painters are paid 1000 or more daily. What about other states?

Meera sandhu
Ya really a carpenter charges more because i ask him to make a small table then he demand RS 800.i got shocked what happen's.
Yet some jobs didn't get what they actually deserve!!!! May be agriculture!!

Meera sandhu
Ya but for agriculture there must be sufficient piece of land.
Now a days the agriculture area is vanishing due to high salaries in software side.

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Now a days the agriculture area is vanishing due to high salaries in software side.

No yaar..due to residential colonies flats and high wages for cultivating. Since they are meeting with losses, they make plots from paddy fields

Meera sandhu
Ya agricultural areas are on finish stage because of growing population.
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