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I think in Kerala mason works and carpentry works are most paid skilled workers ranging from 550 onwards.

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I think in Kerala mason works and carpentry works are most paid skilled workers ranging from 550 onwards.

Thank you Abid.
Actually, I don't have any idea about Northern districts. So, you have added my knowledge :)

Meera sandhu
Also here the Sand mining people are the kings.Within a FN work they are making 2000+

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When am I going to make my dream home here, when labour costs are so high, in addition to unions :( :laugh:

Meera sandhu
It should be as early as possible as all the prices are rocketing.I completed it two years ago.
Then the masons were paid only 350 !!!

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It should be as early as possible as all the prices are rocketing.I completed it two years ago.
Then the masons were paid only 350 !!!

Now it's 500 here, except their lunch and tea :) Other expenses :silly: :silly:
We are like travellers, so we can't build our dream home now, if we can't stay in it. That's why.
My husband is better to live in rent home and keep that money in bank as investment :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
To be very frank the most costly laborer is there i J&K because of obvious reasons. Local people do not want to work and outsiders work in risky conditions, therefore they charge too high.

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To be very frank the most costly laborer is there i J&K because of obvious reasons. Local people do not want to work and outsiders work in risky conditions, therefore they charge too high.

Can you quote approximate figures?
After all, this thread is to find that one, which pays most.

Meera sandhu
In my opinion Bombay is the most pays most because it is having most living cost when compared with other states.

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An ordinary barber, mind it ordinary not a big saloon charges 50-60 Rs for a simple hair cut in 15 minutes, that we can get in other places for 20-30Rs. Not talking of big saloons. A mason charges 500-600 a carpenter 1000/or more.

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