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thats why, we should never bring money between the relation ships as money is a sensitive thing and it can divide or destroy relations

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But in today's world money is the most important thing for people so they forget about relations too. :evil:

Imagine how much time we spend with our relatives/friends i don't spend much of the time with them because i don't find time from my offline job and ultimately i am also running for money without caring for the relationships with the people and almost not worring about the social life. :evil: :sick: :sick: :evil:
But in today's world money is the most important thing for people so they forget about relations too. :evil:

Imagine how much time we spend with our relatives/friends i don't spend much of the time with them because i don't find time from my offline job and ultimately i am also running for money without caring for the relationships with the people and almost not worring about the social life. :evil: :sick: :sick: :evil:

ou mean baap bada na ..... Noone is bigger than money. Up to some extent yes but cease to be so after some time. You want every thing.

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But in today's world money is the most important thing for people so they forget about relations too. :evil:

Imagine how much time we spend with our relatives/friends i don't spend much of the time with them because i don't find time from my offline job and ultimately i am also running for money without caring for the relationships with the people and almost not worring about the social life. :evil: :sick: :sick: :evil:

ou mean baap bada na ..... Noone is bigger than money. Up to some extent yes but cease to be so after some time. You want every thing.

Don't you want everything in life. :woohoo:
Yes why not, but up to a limit. besides I have done enough and I have no more meaning of it. Still who does not want it?

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Everyone in this world need money. Human wants are infinitive. How much they earn still they want money.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Everyone in this world need money. Human wants are infinitive. How much they earn still they want money.

But my thinking is different as i beleive one should spend with in his limits.I do that i know my budget and try not to spend above my budget. :)
Same here SJ.. Surely we should know our limit and use money like that.

Yes, there are many people in this world like you. But if a person earning more money then he wont think about budget. he just spend money lavishly

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Well, Its like they having more money in their budget because they are earning more.. Then its okay if they can manage it.

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