Is it money the only thing?

Why most of the people just run for money without caring for the relations/friendships for them money is on the top and they can do anything to have it.
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Today Money is being power for everyone that everyone feel and you can get most thing by money even our life is depends upon money . People depends upon things and things depends upon money that people love money.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think money is essential in life but not everything.
[quote]Money loss is something loss,
but character loss is everything loss.
I think money is essential in life but not everything.
[quote]Money loss is something loss,
but character loss is everything loss.
Another quote from my side
"If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.
If health is lost, something is lost
If character is lost, Everything is lost" :)

Meera sandhu
What is so bad about money? If we have no money even our own family members will look down on us. Why do you think we are here for? So money re3ally counts my friend.

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Yes, money counts.....really counts.
But we can't leave our beloved ones in the sake of money.

Many people, who runs after money can't find enough time for his loved ones. Some quarrels with even his parents and brothers for money and property. Isn't it?
Everything is needed, but needed to be well balanced..That's all :)

Meera sandhu
This the one thing which is ruling our world now. With this one we can make many things. This can break a relation and creates new relations.

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This the one thing which is ruling our world now. With this one we can make many things. This can break a relation and creates new relations.

Yes, money can create new relations...but not sincere ones :(
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Meera sandhu
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'Coz it's sweeter than honey and brighter than sunshine!!!!
Money is the general purchasing power. All other things can be had with money. You need money for anything that you do. You need money even for maintaining relations. Even the wises man is idiot if he is money less. It is natural that everyone runs for money.

But in pursuit for money, people often ignore why the need money. If in pursuit fr money, you lose relations, health, peace and moral, you have gained nothing. Christ rightly said: How will a man be profited if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul.

Hence, as long as you are conscious of the fact that money is a means and not end, you are on the right track.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In present world everything is dependent on money. Without money our life can not even move a inch. Early morning we need coffe. so for preparing coffee we need coffee powder, sugar and milk. so have these we need to get them from market. so to purchase them we need money. so without money we cannot even have a coffee and start the morning . So same way for every aspect we need in our life, money is needed.

for food, clothes and shelter we need money. So for having a better and status life people are running towards money. Running towards money upto some limitation is good. but completely if we bend towards money then it is not at all good as we feel to get luxuries and all and finally we get habituated to it and then for money we do crimes too. so we should have to run towards money upto some limit

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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