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There is no ghosts on this earth this is just because of some nerves which are in brain they create that some thing is there when we are alone this is called fear.

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Sarala Mam I am little bit weak in English So nice to see that you all helping Me To Improve my languages.This site is best all members are ready to help.
Your Experience is very nice but horrable too as i read this at 11:00 at night.
I am telling a story here,
Once long ago, Dog was married to Cat. They were happy together, but every night when Dog came home from work, Cat said she was too sick to make him dinner. Dog was patient with this talk for a while, but he soon got mighty tired of fixing dinner for them both after a hard day's work. After all, Cat just stayed home all day long.
One day, Dog told Cat he was going to work, but instead he hid in the cupboard and watched Cat to see if she really was sick. As soon as Cat thought Dog had left, she started playing games with Kitten. They laughed and ran about. Cat wasn't the least bit sick.
Dog jumped out of the cupboard. When Cat saw him, she stuck a marble in her cheek and told Dog she had a toothache. Dog got so mad at her he started chasing her around and around the house.
Dogs have been chasing Cats ever since.

Just like that we are chasing behind ghost but no result.
As we say that every disease has a some Symptom and darkness is the first Symptom of the presence of ghost.
That is a good thought about the cat and dogs that why cat is always afraid of dog and dog is always searching for cat.
Ghost also exist in this universe. Recently a guy who visited araku has taken photo then he found that there is white color object sitting on his shoulder. This he found in photo.

We can find ghosts with polygamy camera

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Can we take photos of Ghost with digital cameras or not. :(

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We cannot take photoes of ghost with digital camera and normal camera

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala what is Ploygamy camera I think it is difficult for every one to take photos with that.

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Sasi you can take photo of ghost in dark without flash and it can be seen in dark as full dark.
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