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Can you answer me one thing, If god is not there , then how sun raise is happening and how sun set is happening. How rain is falling. How our desires are full filled. How we sometimes at saved from dangers. that means there is some power who is acting on us . that power is GOD. If you wont believe and make fun that god that he is invisible then see there is visible god that is SUN and MOON.
i don't believe that you are saying how sun raises.its coz earth is revolving..........and you believe sun and moon are god then what about uncountable sun and moon in this universe are they also god.......desires are fulfilled by your hard work.

Can you answer me one thing, If god is not there , then how sun raise is happening and how sun set is happening. How rain is falling. How our desires are full filled. How we sometimes at saved from dangers. that means there is some power who is acting on us . that power is GOD. If you wont believe and make fun that god that he is invisible then see there is visible god that is SUN and MOON.
i don't believe that you are saying how sun raises.its coz earth is revolving..........and you believe sun and moon are god then what about uncountable sun and moon in this universe are they also god.......desires are fulfilled by your hard work.

Can you tell by 100% that desires are fulfilled by your hard work only???
Some things we may get in our life without any effort at all, while some may even slip from our hands even after we get it after our full effort.

When we are in a bad situation, whom do we remember most. Of course it is god. Why? God has heard our prayers before also. He has gifted us many things in our life including our good health. The positive feeling in ourselves that, some one is there behind us to see us and help us...can help us do many things in life...Sure

Meera sandhu

Can you answer me one thing, If god is not there , then how sun raise is happening and how sun set is happening. How rain is falling. How our desires are full filled. How we sometimes at saved from dangers. that means there is some power who is acting on us . that power is GOD. If you wont believe and make fun that god that he is invisible then see there is visible god that is SUN and MOON.
i don't believe that you are saying how sun raises.its coz earth is revolving..........and you believe sun and moon are god then what about uncountable sun and moon in this universe are they also god.......desires are fulfilled by your hard work.

Can you tell by 100% that desires are fulfilled by your hard work only???
Some things we may get in our life without any effort at all, while some may even slip from our hands even after we get it after our full effort.

When we are in a bad situation, whom do we remember most. Of course it is god. Why? God has heard our prayers before also. He has gifted us many things in our life including our good health. The positive feeling in ourselves that, some one is there behind us to see us and help us...can help us do many things in life...Sure

ok you answer my one people believe that,nothing happens in this world without god's if i kill you then its not my fault,god is responsible for this..........all these terrorist,rapist,criminals they should be released from jail's......coz they did what god made them to do.
Many great criminals escape from being punished, saying this.....It was not me. It was done by god :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I don't say that everything is done by God.
90% is done by us.....the rest 10% I leave it to God...that's all.
Now what do you say, manish?

Meera sandhu
Many great criminals escape from being punished, saying this.....It was not me. It was done by god :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I don't say that everything is done by God.
90% is done by us.....the rest 10% I leave it to God...that's all.
Now what do you say, manish?

hahahahahahahahahahaha :woohoo: what kind of funny reason is this..............are you accountant of god telling that 90% is done by humans and 10% by god...i don't want to say but really its a silly reason......and one more thing that means we are more powerful than god coz we have 90% in you have something really logical to say in favor of god...or you have laid these rules for god to interfere in 10 % only hahaha
Let me give you a simple example.
What is salt and what is its importance in our food?
What percentage of salt is needed in our food? Should we need it 90%???? Definitely 'no'. I think, only below 1 %. Can we make a lunch or supper without this magic ingredient?????? Will it tastes good without salt?
Same is the case of God.
Even if we had everything in this world, we need that small percent to complete everything like this simple salt that completes our food.
Even then the best of 99% can't complete the 1% of God. I strongly believe so.

Salt is somewhat similar to God.
When we add that flavour to our food, can we see it? You tell Manish???? We can only taste will surely dissolve with our 99% of ingredients. If it is not dissolved properly, it will also taste indifferent. isn't it?
Same is the case of God. We can only feel it, but can't find it and present before anyone like this 'dissolved salt'.
can you understand it now, Manish???

Meera sandhu
Wow Nice explanation sandhya what a great idea to compare salt with god.

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Can you answer me one thing, If god is not there , then how sun raise is happening and how sun set is happening. How rain is falling. How our desires are full filled. How we sometimes at saved from dangers. that means there is some power who is acting on us . that power is GOD. If you wont believe and make fun that god that he is invisible then see there is visible god that is SUN and MOON.
i don't believe that you are saying how sun raises.its coz earth is revolving..........and you believe sun and moon are god then what about uncountable sun and moon in this universe are they also god.......desires are fulfilled by your hard work.

Can you tell by 100% that desires are fulfilled by your hard work only???
Some things we may get in our life without any effort at all, while some may even slip from our hands even after we get it after our full effort.

When we are in a bad situation, whom do we remember most. Of course it is god. Why? God has heard our prayers before also. He has gifted us many things in our life including our good health. The positive feeling in ourselves that, some one is there behind us to see us and help us...can help us do many things in life...Sure

God is a hypothetical concept. The belief is only an indicative of deep rooted brainwashing caused by centuries of irrational thoughts passed on from generation to generations. The feeling of God and prayer is just a psychological affect of this brainwashing and nothing else.

It is also true that results are not always proportionate to efforts. Sometimes, we get things with less efforts and at other times, we fail despite best efforts. This is because our efforts and consequences are not just individual but collective. I may make good efforts but better efforts by competitors or less cooperation by my own team could alter results.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Wow Nice explanation sandhya what a great idea to compare salt with god.

I got it now only, Sasi, this idea just flashed into my mind. It may be God's magic that was created in my mind instantly. Thank you for your complement.
Actually, where is Manish???
I am sure, he can't find another suitable answer to reply me.
Let him think and reply.
Where is Sarala???????

Meera sandhu
you i can't argue with you leave does it certify god's don't have any thing realy good to you have started justifying that 10 and 90% thing by this salt,flour kind of example....i have no words for the kind of examples you giving......hahahahah leave it ....
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