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This category contains the Group Discussion topics and the discussions on the topics.
Topics [Group Discussions]
- Featured Locked
- by Suny Ag
- in Group Discussions
- 8 years ago.
- Last replied by suni51
- 65 replies
What are your views?
How soon will Indian businesses, big and small, move to electronic or cashless payment mode? Do you think India is ready to go cashless yet or we have to...
- Featured
- by Suny Ag
- in Group Discussions
- 8 years ago.
- Last replied by Idris
- 19 replies
Dear All-
I am looking for some good ideas for next GD and it will be a regular GD without any restriction on posts in a day so everyone express freely. The only condition will...
- Featured Locked
- by Suny Ag
- in Group Discussions
- 8 years ago.
- Last replied by suni51
- 40 replies
What are your views on having too many political parties in our country? Is it benefits or has its drawbacks!
Let’s discuss what weighs more- the benefits or the...
- by Suny Ag
- in Group Discussions
- 8 years ago.
- Last replied by aman verma
- 31 replies
Hi Dear All
Are you interested in participating in a group discussion which can bring Rs 20 each for 7 posts each on a particular topic?
1. You will have to write ONE...
- by Suny Ag
- in Group Discussions
- 9 years ago.
- Last replied by rambabu
- 16 replies
Dear Members, our elders always tell us that following our seniors is always useful. My question is simple- do you follow your elders in family and seniors at work place?
- in Group Discussions
- 10 years ago.
- Last replied by rambabu
- 12 replies
At least ten incidents of rape of very small girl children, all of them less than six years old have been reported from Bangalore city.
What a shame? What a cruel act, on...
- by Abid Areacode
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by COOL BOY
- 50 replies
Hi Friends,
Here is the new GD open for all of you.
Topic: Fans Association - Good or Bad to Cinema Industry ?
Memebers who post at least three valid replies will be...
- by Maverick
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- 147 replies
Hi All,
I am back with another round of Group Discussion Contest. The topic for this round is
In India, most people discuss about inclusion of Sex education at school...
- by Kalyani Nandurkar
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 28 replies
Friends, you have all been waiting for the GD to start, here it goes,
The topic for this week is as follows:
Should Women Do Night Time Jobs or Not?
Memebers who...
- by Maverick
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Sridhar Kesireddy
- 33 replies
This week group discussion topic is taken from the suggestions given by Sridhar. Here is the topic:
What should be the criteria to provide reservations in education and...
- by Maverick
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 48 replies
Hi All,
Welcome to group discussion topic:
This week we took the topic suggested by Abid Areadcode. Thanks.
Does IPL really affected India's fall in World Cup...
- by Abid Areacode
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Deepti
- 39 replies
Dear Friends,
My state Kerala is considering to ban lottery.So here is the new topic for the Group Discussion!
"Is it necessary to ban Lottery ?"
The winner...
- by Abid Areacode
- in Group Discussions
- 13 years ago.
- Last replied by Abid Areacode
- 50 replies
Hello Friends,
Today it is Children's day.So we can have a discussion on the burning issue in India.
Here is the topic for this week's discussion,
How child labour can...
- by Maverick
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Jobin
- 29 replies
Hi All,
We are happy to announce the second part of the group discussion contest.
Young people are the future of the country. And at the same time if the experience adds,...
- by Maverick
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 43 replies
Hi All,
I am back with another round of Group Discussion Contest. The topic for this round is
Most dragging issue of Indian politics -
"What is your stance on...
- by Kalyani Nandurkar
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by sajeetharan
- 35 replies
Dear Friends,
Here is the new topic for the Group Discussion!
"Is Globalization Necessary for Developing Countries?"
The winner will be awarded a cash prize of...
- by Abid Areacode
- in Group Discussions
- 14 years ago.
- Last replied by Abid Areacode
- 16 replies
Hai Friends,
India is going through different types of scalms and corruptions.To control these Anna Hazare had a hunger strike for formulating a bill.He won in his attempt. So...
- by Maverick
- in Group Discussions
- 15 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 39 replies
Hi All,
Here is this week's topic for group discussion.
"How to create a good blog/write a good article?"
To know more about this contest Click Here
We are...
- by Kalyani Nandurkar
- in Group Discussions
- 14 years ago.
- Last replied by Maverick
- 39 replies
Dear Friends,
A new topic for this week's GD contest!
Has medical profession become a business or tool to earn money? And should a doctor be punished severely for...
- by Kalyani Nandurkar
- in Group Discussions
- 13 years ago.
- Last replied by Kalyani Nandurkar
- 84 replies
Hello friends, back with a new topic for discussion. Like the previous ones, I hope that this one too gets immense response and keeps the forums alive!
Since the exams for...