Articles [General Reference]

In elementary school is becoming increasingly more attention to artistic and expressive subjects. Drama is such a profession and in this article show the essence of drama. What exactly is drama? Dramatic play is an imaginative design which players...

Books are a man’s best friends and a great hobby to pursue. They give new views to life; teach us how to live; increase one’s mission; shapes our thought and imagination.   Books bring stories of exciting adventure, lively humor, dangerous...

Resist temptation Of all creation, man alone is gifted with reason. Man has the power to think. With the help of this faculty, he can discriminate things. He can distinguish well from bad. His will is free. It is up to him to take a decision,...

Stealing is a bad habit. It is not only crime but also a sin. One of the Ten Commandments reads: `Thou shalt not steal.’ God commands us not to steal. Stealing is taking away things belonging to others. We should not take away things which are not...

Mistletoe: the symbol of Christmas!"I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus". This sentence from a well-known Christmas song says what matters. Mommy kissing Santa Claus under the mistletoe at Christmas. And mistletoe is a symbol for Christmas, inviting...

We are citizens of this country. All the national property is the public property. As cozens of this country we are the real trustees of our national property. It is our primary duty to protect it. We are not only the custodians, but trustees as...

Approximately 90 percent of the Dutch to send Christmas cards. Nowadays, more and more often chose the e-card. Still, a homemade card is most appreciated. Research has shown that people send each other Christmas cards mostly attentive, and not...

Love is the purest emotion amongst God’s creations . It is the attraction between two known or unknown people who belong to different families . You do know that you are in love . You want to gift best things to your love , you search for...

My father one day took me to his office to show something very important. i was very happy, as I have to go by boat and see the INDIAN NAVAL ships 7 Submarines. But he want to show something called ENERGY. WIND ENERGY. I was fond of Wind Energy,...

Continuous migration of people from villages to cities creates many problems. The density of population of cities increases and civic amenities become short of needs. Law and order situation worsens. Prices of essential commodities start rising....

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