Articles [General Reference]

These awards acknowledge the bravery of individuals in various situations, military or otherwise. Wartime Gallantry Awards – 1.    Param Vir Chakra2.    Maha Vir Chakra3.    Vir Chakra4.    Sena Medal5.    Nao Sena Medal6.    Vayu Sena...

  The unequal distribution of wealth in society is unjust and unnatural. Everything belongs to all. The sum total services as the income of a family is spent among its members at present. The father of a family does not starve some of his...

The main types of creativity Some researchers believe that creativity is a heterogeneous concept and that there are types of creativity. For example, one can easily distinguish the following types of creativity: The scientific creativity Abraham...

      THE ROLE OF STUDENTS IN FREE INDIA   The students of today are the future citizens of India. They are the architects of free and modern India. On the shoulders of the students, a great responsibility lies fo building the country. In...

Normally when we talk about beauty, we pay attention towards our face and hair other parts of the body remain neglected. Here we are going to discuss about Our Neck which is also very important part of our body which adds lots of beauty in our...

1) If You Want To Be Happy – Cultivate Bad (weak) Memory If You Do Not Want To Be Sad – Cultivate Good Memory The above two themes have got potent substance for doubling happiness and reducing sadness. Let us see what the theorem mean. Awful...

Earth- our paradise A long time ago, people believed that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun, moon and stars moved around it. They were also sure the earth was flat! They thought if a ship sailed out to sea far enough, it...

CONCENTRATION Concentration, an essential skill which can influences our quality of work.and if onc we mastered it we can greatly  increse our productivity of work .Being able to concentrate is not an easy thing,few people only know how to do...

Endocrine disruptor The concept of endocrine modulator (or endocrine disruptor, endocrine disrupter, lure or hormonal Xenooestrogene...) is a term coined in the late twentieth century to refer to any molecule or chemical compound, xenobiotic...

Effects of Endocrine disruptors Endocrine disruptors can interfere with sexual maturation, development of reproductive organs - abnormalities of the gonads or regression penis - or the reproduction and cause cancer in hormone-dependent. They may...

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