Articles [General Reference]

Discipline is a very important part of life. Discipline implies an orderly manner of living and conducting oneself. It is essential in every sphere of life, whether it is at home or at work. Only a disciplined person can make a success out of...

The student community has a very important role to play in the progress of the country. The students are at an age when they are young, filled with new ideas and the enthusiasm and verve to bring these to fruition. It is, therefore, necessary...

Hai friends this article is about the Indians in Uganda.Well, i saw a movie called 'The Last King Of Scotland', EDI AMIN THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND POSTER which is a bout Idi Amin (Where the actor Forest Whitaker won Academy Award(Oscar) for...

              What is help? To whom should we help? When should we help? What should one have to help others? What would be the outcome of our help to others?               Being human is the only thing,that one should have to help others. The...

It is a free time. All the boys are happy and cheerful. They run about playing football. But Prasd dose not want to play. He stands and worries. He thinks that he is not all a good player. He doubts about his abilities. He stands away from the...

Duty means obligation. `Duty’ comes from the word `due’ giving what is due. Duty is the thing that is due. Due means a debt. Thus in short, duty means a thing that you have to do; or something you are bound to fulfill. No man lives alone. He is a...

Art: Oceania Funeral Urns aborigines (hollow log tombs) The art of Oceania includes productions, old and contemporary peoples of Melanesia, of Micronesia, of Polynesia, as well as those of traditional peoples of Australia and New Zealand and...

डॉ. संजीव के. पॉल बीज जो मैंने बोये बोये अपने बागीचे में मेरे सिद्धांतों का बागीचा सिद्धांत, मेरी मार्गदर्शक शक्ति मार्गदर्शक शक्ति मेरे जीवन की जीवन जो बन गया बन गया बोझ बोझ मेरे परिवार पर मेरे परिवार और देश पर मेरे देश...

At the click of a mouse I send letters, at a click I convey what really matters, How I wish I cud change somethings, at a click I cud rewrite some of the meanings. At a click of a mouse i shape an unseen figure, at a click I design a new...

Five Important Attributes Of The Leader Handle the characteristics of a complete mortal, you should take to counterfeit it! In fact, people already love at minimal one of the most underlying qualities of a acceptable individual; they conscionable...

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