Articles [General Reference]

  A VISIT TO A VILLAGE   A few months back I had a chance to visit Ahirajpur, a remote village in Orissa's Kendrapara district. As part of a Red Cross programme I was assigned to take a group of school children from Bhubaneswar to the village so...

I wander in the market searching for fresh fruits for my little grandson find so many stalls decorated with colourful invitations I feel like buying all for my grandchild   because I want to see him healthy I want him to grow up with an...

What do we mean by `manners maketh the man’? According to some people, he alone possesses manners, which rises from his seat when an elderly gentleman enters the room smiles when he meets a friend, and pats children on the back when he sees them....

Lord Brougham said, ``blessed is the man who has hobbies.’’ the pursuit of hobbies is not, as some think, a waste of time. Rather it prevents us from wasting our time in other frivolous pursuits. Hobbies fill our vacant hours with amusement and...

*National flag National flag Indian has three colors. All the three color bans are of equal width with saffron color at the top, white in the middle and green at the bottom. At the center of the white band is a wheel in blue color. It is Dharma...

it was about two years ago that I, a piece of clean, bright paper with words and figures clearly printed and with color fresh and charming, came out of the currency office. I was proud of my handsome appearance. My first migration was from the...

``what will I be?’’ is a question that worries many boys. They pass restless days and sleepless night in thinking over this question, and yet it defies solution. The boys rally does not know what to do. One thing is, however, certain that boys...

Garments is the second layer of our skin, Garment is one of the essential things which we need to live in this world. Without garment we cannot able to get out of our house. so, garment is the second layer of our skin. Garment - this is the word...

In the initial days of Love: Boy: hiii, how r u dear. kiya kar rahi ho tum? Miss u...Girl: hii, just reading. aur tum kiya kar rahe ho? I missss U too...Boy: me watching tv. and thinking abt u. n u? I am really missing u a lot..Girl: I ve just...

Most of us feel nervous if we are asked to speak in front of a large group of people. It happens because of low confidence level and poor communication skills. Also we feel nervous because of a little knowledge in that topic. However, one is never...

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