Articles [General Reference]

When you give your dog a bone, he wags his tail to thank you. When you give your cat some milk, she purrs and rubs herself against you to thank you. When somebody gives you something, you thank him. Saying thank you is important. It shows that you...

India is the natural home to many kinds of plants. We have always taken care of the plants around us. Indian culture is rich with stories about nature. There are many stories about plants which tell us how important they are to us. This is one such...

    INDIA     India is a land of great diversity in its physical features, people, languages and cultures. We have the snowy peaks of the Himalayas in the North, the evergreen luscious forests and fertile plains in the North and the South,...

We know that all country having parliament,and it is tha place were all decisions about  the particular country.Here i mentioned some of the countries and their parliament names which i know. Country-Parliament India - Lok Sabha (Lower House),...

ENGLISH IN INDIA India is a multi-lingual country. In our country there are more than 3000 languages, but of these 3000 the official languages are amounted to 31-35. In India there are 31 states each of these states use their own separate...

HOBBIES This article may be useful for starters and some children. Just read it and enjoy it. As far as everyone knows, a Hobby is an interesting occupation of a person during his leisure. Its not meant as a professional work or work that...

HOW TO LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? Have you ever thought that it would help you whenever you learn any of the foreign language? Have you ever been to any foreign countries? Have you ever wondered that it would benefit if you learn a...

MEDIUM OF TRANSPORTATIONHuman-legs!: Our legs are the first, basic and the free medium of transport for us. There are several other media or transport which take men and things from one place to another, man invented such things for his own self...

ROAD RULESRules a Prank? Some pranksters say rules are meant to be broken, but If you follow such kind of silly prank words you would even end up losing your life. As long as you live just follow the rules be safe and don't worry be happy. Who...

RULES FOR A GOOD NEIGHBOR A good neighbor always helps his neighbors and helps them keep their neighborhood clean, healthy and safe forever, besides the cost or money he spends. It also means that he/she must be helpful to adjacent neighbor houses...

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