Articles [General Reference]

  आतंकवाद   आज की तारिख में आतंकवाद आधुनिक समाज की सबसे बड़ी समस्याओं में से एक है I केवल भारत में ही नहीं, पूरे विश्व में आतंकवाद की जड़ें फ़ैल चुकी हैं I आतंकवाद तथा उसे फैलाने वालों के कारण आज हमारे देश को अनेक समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ रहा है...

Hi friends, am going to share with you about how to get free GPRS in airtel. I have come across many such tricks in internet, but unfortunately to my disappoinment none of those tricks worked out for me. But believe me guys, i have used this trick...

Who is God? Where can we find Him? God is like the wind. We cannot see Him but we can feel Him. God is every where. He is inside us and around us. He is at home with us and at temple. There is no place with out God.   Thank, you God! God...

Peace is a gift we can give t others. When we are kind and helpful to others, we give them the gift of peace. What we give comes back to us too. This spreads the feeling of peace and harmony. The echo of peace A little boy had a really bad day....

To know the proper functioning of al the available options in ur sony erricson mobile, just follow tho steps given bellow 1)press the right navigation key once 2)press * 3)press left navigation key twice 4) press* 5)press left navigation key...

India is a vast country with a huge student population. And almost everyone today dream of becoming an engineer. So our country definitely needs a lot of engineering colleges to support such a huge mass. But the qustion is whether quanity alone...

You are now entering a very special stage in your life. Until now, you have been under the guidance of your parents, grandparents and teachers. They will still watch over you, guide you and keep you secure. But you will be doing a lot more on your...

Things do not always turn out the way you would like them to. The result is disappointment. This in turn can lead to anger, resentment, sorrow or depression. If your disappointment is caused by someone else’s action or a broken promise, you are...

     MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING IN LIFE     Money is the most powerful medium to get things of our necessity, comfort and luxuries. It is by money that we buy our food, clothes and abode. Without money, we cannot survive for a day. This is a...

India as we all know is an agricultural and a multicultural country. In the past few years India has gone through several ups and downs., but still India is standing amongst all the nations helding her head high up in the air. Lets throw some light...

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