Articles [General Reference]

The best attended fair ever seen is the one held every year in my own town at Basant. All sorts of people are seen at the fair. Beggars in their rags ask for alms. One pities the blind and the lame and gives them a few coins in charity. But one...

Medieval Aesthetics Boethius teaching, manuscript of the Consolation of Philosophy, 1385 The aesthetics of the Middle Age incorporates the principles of Neoplatonism linking them to the theological model of Christianity. Consider then that in...

While the situation of inflation is quite common for the developing economies and most of the people are well versed with problem of inflation and know its implications in general, the situation of deflation is rare. In developing countries,...

I am a healing writer and I believe words heal. I feel words have effect on our minds and bodies and depending upon that words may either heal or hurt. It also depends upon the person who is receiving and conveying the words. Like the words, I do...

India is a big country. The 70% peoples are live in the villages. 70 % people depend on agriculture. The Indian farmer is sample, contented man. His wants are few, and his only wealth is his land. If his harvest is good, he rejoices. But if...

India is a great country. Different religions people are there. But, there is good unity. All are one, one India. India is my country. I like my country. Yes, India is our mother land. We love her. We are proud of our mother land. We respect...

The Indian beggar is very persistent. Wherever you go he is sure to follow you. You stop to talk to a friend for a minute, and he is there. You go to a shop to buy something, and he is there too. There is no escape from him. He does not leave us in...

The sound of moving water has always thrilled people. Ever wondered how nice it would be to have a fountain in your own garden or on a table-top inside your home. The very thought of it is exciting. So, here is a step-by-step approach to designing...

Aesthetics of the twentieth century Emerged in the twentieth century, are the main movements of contemporary aesthetics. They fit in the particular concern of the language (central question of philosophy of the twentieth century and the emergence...

Cultural Studies Cultural Studies is a current research at the crossroads of the sociology of the cultural anthropology of philosophy, of the anthropology of literature, the mediology, the arts, etc.. On the one referred transdisciplinary, they...

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