Articles [General Reference]

AestheticS The aesthetics in the field of philosophy relates to the emotions caused by a work (or certain gestures, attitudes, things), the judgments of the work, what is specific or unique to an expression (artistic, literary, poetic , etc..),...

In Aesop’s Fables there is a story which tells how an old man is troubled to find his sons always quarrelling among themselves. He is afraid that the family will be quite broken up when he dies. He is anxious to leave behind a united family. So...

Mineral make up bring revolution in the field of beauty. It is not only skin friendly but environment friendly also. It can controls the ageing of skin naturally and also improve the texture of your skin. In ancient time roman and Egyptian...

Last evening, while passing through Charminar center, I saw a large crowd gathered in front of the shop of a general merchant. There was much uproar and high excitement. I proceeded towards the crowd and asked an old man what had happened. He could...

                                                                        Trimble begins by exploring the brain anatomy  of human emotion,implicating the limbic system as the seat of human emotion.Seated deep within the brain and consisting of a...

For  Indian companies and corporate entities  pressure of competition was a big challenge because the switch from the Inspector Raj to Open Liberal Regime meant sudden dropping of crutches of government patronage and control. The challenge...

"Exam:: Boon or Burden?" Ask this to a student who is taking an exam. He will answer "burden". Ask the same question to him twenty years later when he after competiting with others have bagged a high post, he will answer "boon". The answer is...

Remember, time is very precious. Once lost it never comes back. God has given us the sun. The sun marks our day and night which can be father divided into hours, minutes and seconds. Time is a valuable gift from god. We must respect time....

School is a place where you learn so many things. It helps you to grow up into a responsible person. Every day spend a lot of time in school. You learn as well as play. You must help to keep it clean and beautiful. Things you should do Do not...

Have you heard the story of the spider spinning its web? While spinning its web, the spider slipped somehow and ended up hanging in the air on its own tread. It tried to climb back up onto the web, but slipped down again. Again, it tried to climb...

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