Articles [General Reference]

Today beauty therapy or cosmetology is an attractive career option with tremendous potential for growth. A cosmetologist can seek employment in beauty salons, beauty parlors, in the entertainment industry and with modeling agencies. You can also...

TIPS FOR PRESENTION:1. Pay more attention lighting arrangements time day2. Have sound knowledge of subject matter.3. Organize the thoughts in a logical sequence.4. Involve the audience by asking question show of hands reaction to specific...

In this article,Lets have a look at inflation and its phenomenon. What is inflation? People attach a value to goods available in nature based up on their uses and importance.Price will be fixed basing on the value attached to such articles.It...

Art in Middle Age The vast majority of art that have survived this period falls within the domain of religion and refers to a framework that incorporates both a theological or cosmological and liturgical functions properly. In this aspect...

Dear All I am very glad to tell you all that I seen sai baba in my dream. some days ago I visit Sirdi to see sai Baba after that i Return to Ahmedabad but one day when i sleep after midnight i seen dream that once again i visited to sirdi with my 3...

Birth, marriage and death are three imprtant events in or lives. While we rejoice on births and marriages,  we lament on death of our near and dear. Quite often mourning is highly emotional and some times, even suicides take place. We have...

  Watch this pic and then read these lines................... See the butterfly with tiny delicate wings wandering over the thorns to find her favourite nectar in the times of scaricity of thornless flowers it tells how everything in...

Art Art (from the Latin Ars artis "skill, craft, technical knowledge" is a human activity, or the proceeds of this activity is to arrange these elements in addressing deliberately sense, the emotions and intellect. The definitions of the concept...

Prehistory of art Grotte de Lascaux If one believes that art is to build, carve, to make ornaments, the existence of a prehistoric art seems indisputable. However, if we see in art a kind of luxury for museums and exhibitions, it is likely that...

Dress made Externally our body is protected by wearing clothes. They protect us against cold, dust, heat, rain and insect bites. We look smart by wearing good clothes. Hence, we love to wear clothes of latest fashion. Leaves of trees or animal...

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