Articles [General Reference]

No one wants to be poor everyone wants to live if not a royal but a decent life. Which can earn him self esteem in the society. but i being from a country like India which used to be economically down in the past should understand the state of mind...

Why would the Earth or indeed the Universe cease to exist if humans ceased to exist? The Universe and the Earth happily existed for billions of years without us. In fact, humans have existed for only a tiny percentage of the age of the...

cience is an art. A systematic, repetitive, incremental, pretentious, supposedly objective, socially valued kind of art. Man is an artistic animal, who projects his values on what he does... Science is a human construct, isn't it? In the...

Pain in relationships pain is an intrinsic part of a relationship just like teething pain is an intrinsic part of growing up. Except that teething troubles are only for a short period of time, and pain is a regular part of a relationship. Both...

Why do we feel unhappy, sometimes, because of circumstances, which affect us? The fact, that the circumstances make us unhappy, is in the fact, the biggest cause of unhappiness. Why do we try to come to terms with the situation which upsets us?...

What is reality? Is it what we feel is true. Or is it what we are taught is true. Or is it just our perception of anything that is true. And if everyone has different feelings, different teaching and different way of perceiving the same thing....

Achieving optimum balance between successes. If You live for death what is the meaning of life To fulfill the expectations. Getting comfortable mentally and physically. Faith in yourself and faith in miracles and destiny. What do you mean by...

Laughter is a simple form of exercise. Since exercise is good for health. I agree it is a good medicine. Best medicine. I am not sure. Incidentally I think those laughter clubs are silly because laughing without any reason such as a good joke is...

How can we trust ourselves with powers? Power is a very descriptive terminology. Can you please elaborate with what respect to are you referring it with. Can you trust yourself without power? Actually the trustfulness is more related to the...

Soul is that part of us, what we so identify with, that the extent of identification, does not allow us to be aware of it's existence. We are more soul, than we are body, mind, emotion, or any other state of ourselves, that we are aware of. That...

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