Articles [General Reference]

Have you heard of something as "Non-Dualism". It is just your reasons or logics that leads you to the conclusion... A magician shows a trick of transforming a rope to a snake...what do you say the snake is the truth now for the same snake it is...

A poor man desires to own a bicycle and when he gets it he feels happy. A rich man desires to own the latest model luxury car. He too feels happy when he gets it. Now who is happier here? In any case I think it is wrong to judge that happiness is...

To free the philosopher, or the spiritual person in me, I spend time in seclusion, and follow whatever thoughts come to me. These are usually to do with the self. For me, spirituality, and discovering different facets on self awareness are one and...

GOD is a System of universe. G - Generator O - Organizer D - Destroyer God is one, and no some-other-thing is like Him. In God you must believe or not  believing is not looking for proves. If you want to see God or expoct from someone else to...

one way to control ur mind is to become a witness of the actions that are the result of the thought process in your mind. that is, u are always used to observing the outer the world, the people around you. have you ever observed yourself and your...

Marriage is just a word that signifies a two people of opposite gender agreeing to take care of each other until whoever dies, and also participate in natures law n demand to procreate. the significance of such understanding is responsibility. the...

This statement is meaningless and nonsensical in my opinion. Yes, there are great Advaitic truths which appear contradictory but have deep meaning. Like for example: I am neither the body, neither the mind, nor the senses....etc I have no...

Suicide is an instantaneous irrational behavior of thought. I am everyone of us here would have experienced this at some point of time in our lives. but all cannot succumb to that thought unless the thought is very intense in itself. this cannot be...

Thus,'thinking' is responsible for sophistication as well as destruction. "The concept of thought arises, when there is a thinker. How do you identify yourself? How do you identify yourself, when you see yourself? Do you identify yourself in the...

Love is not an emotion. It is not a feeling of closeness, hugging, kissing or talking for hours on the phone. I know all about the notes you speak about Anish. They are just social misdiretions which are woven into our minds by media, our sexual...

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