Articles [General Reference]

Failure is a word that came out of the womb of negative thinking. Actually, failure comes when an opportunity comes our way, and generates an impulse to win but we don't go ahead. This is negative thinking and this is real failure. I strongly...

True friendship really doesn't need to be maintained, "it just happens". It's more of a property of acquaintanceship. Lots of people always ask me, "How do you manage so many friends?" and I always say, "It's very simple, I don't manage them. And...

  For Laughing: Fear is the important cause of failure in one's life. So don't see yourself hereafter in mirror. Men won't tell lie if women doesn't ask them many questions. My daily prayer to god " I don't want anything in life. But please...

  The Telengana issue which is hogging the limelight for the past one month at the national as well as regional press both in the print and electronic media has a long past and the current spell of agitation in the form of bandhs is just adding...

  Should NRIs need Dual Citizenship ? The people of Indian origin, who are settled in a foreign land, express their love and cherish their heritage of Indian culture whenever they visit India. Despite integration into political, economic and...

In my opinion, the "Human Social Perspective" holds good. I do not believe in a person called God and also there is no higher/superior/special entity or "force" somewhere that is sustaining us all! It's just us! We all make a difference to each...

Meaning seems to be a relative term. It's quite possible that you could attach a whole lot of emotional value to a seemingly mundane thing as viewed by somebody else. It might be of value to you and a few people close to you, but at the same time,...

Dont we go about creating invisible cages around us and tune our behaviour so that we can fit in. Isnt all this so because we are afraid we would lose some comforts we have today? It's in a way a sort of addiction - an addiction to comfort - the...

the "LIFE SKILLS" really change our brain to adapt to that unless that adaptation is supported by the brain? I think the major differences come from the fact that individuals thrive for personal freedom while still wanting to be under the...

We live for attention.when we meet someone we always put forward the most attractive part of one's personality. Am I talking to you because not only I want to put forward my point I also wants to be loved by seek attention from you. An...

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