Articles [General Reference]

The topic "Positive Thinking" gives a conceptual meaning, Positive thinking is one type of energy to one and all. Generally at childhood parents are strengths for children's but it says they are protecting them and the kid is going to know each and...

I always liked making referrals and earning money but it never gave regular income. I could only earn when some good site came and offered a good amount to refer people. i hard worked on making referrals and made money when i got good offers. When...

Sadness can be called as some type of feeling or some type of emotion. Sadness is some what opposite of feeling happy. The feeling of sadness is completly different from feeling of happiness.All the human beings experience this type of feeling...

  In this essay "Of Great Places" by Francis Bacon, tells about the merits and demerits of people who occupy in great position. Bacon discusses the condition and qualification of people in great places. The condition of people in great place...

The Mind is our greatest friend but we have to train it, not to create obstacles for us. Like, if someone wants to become a murderer, the mind will help him and if he wants to become a sage, the mind will also help him nothing wrong with the mind...

If someone addict with liquor, cigarette or anything and he or she want to quit but every efforts to quit going fail! Then one day he or she got angry on him or herself and use ego and anger and strictly decide to quit, it works there . it’s very...

Determination “is the synonymous of "positive attitude, there is a thread like difference within these two words. How often do you use the expression the will to live? Does it have any meaning? Can it prolong your life? Can it bolster your immune...

These days Human beings have all the imaginable comforts, but they are still not happy ? They have no anchor in Life, they have nothing to hold on to and are full of Fear and Misery . They are all so serious and no one seems to know how to truly...

How Dreams End? There are some reasons that end the dreams. First Reason is family or parent expectation from his child, if child want to become singer but parent want to made him as a doctor then child do not able to decide his career. Second...

  Is there any need for giving reservation for women? Coming to education, in this regard, the government has also made a provision of free education up to 14 years of age for all girls and this is going to increase female literacy and is...

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