Articles [General Reference]

We all know what war is but does anyone truly understand the concept of peace? Does it exist? All i ever seem to hear about is war, war, war. A scientist who once tried to introduce emotion in robots had the following idea: To make a robot feel...

Just wondering what kind of opinions are out there regarding an "original act" that started existence. I've been thinking recently about the nature of existence, the need for "purpose", "cause", etc. Anyone have any good books to recommend? I...

That depends on what powerful means to you. If power is been able to buy things and having people doing things for you, then is money. For me, knowledge is much more powerful. It's something that you can't lose, and it provides you the possibility...

Has science killed God or has it reinforced the existence of God? There was never any God to start with. The only thing Science has killed is Religion. Or rather, that's true in the civilized world. The USA is still in the grip of bible-thumping...

Haven't we neglected too much our feelings & intuition? Don't we rely too much our days on the power of rational thinking? I have tried to reunite these two extreme forms of decision making and they don't always agree. What do you think & feel...

There is a big myth that Gandhi and Congress were responsible for forcing the English out.   The truth is that the two movements that Gandhi Started, Non-Cooperation and Quit India both failed to achieve there objectives. Gandhi was nothing...

Suicide, in general and by farmers and agricultural labourers in particular, is an unnatural and a serious phenomenon. This is an indicator of serious limitations of the country’s social, economic and political policies. Such a phenomenon needs...

The change of Life. How it was and how it is Life is/was so beutiful but it has is a journey which starts with the growth for 9 months in the mothers woomb. Many people speaks that a kid start listening reacting from 6th month onwards...

Hi friends, in this article I would like to discuss about our INDIAN ENERGY SCENARIO. Coal dominates the energy mix in India, contributing to 55% of the total primary energy production. Over the years, there has been a marked increase in the share...

In the history of the World, Africa is usually described as "Dark Africa". It has considered a backward, undeveloped and under privilged area. Civilization and its finer aspects have not reportedly reached this large continent. In "Africa...

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