Articles [General Reference]

What is jealousy ? Why do we feel unhappy? Because we feel, that which makes us happy, is absent. Why do we feel jealous? We put ourselves in the shoes of others, while realizing, that we are not in that person's shoes. Jealousy is a perfectly...

It is like a blind person thinking, what am I so blind about? Unless he can see, he will never understand what being not blind is. In the same way those who are in ignorance can never know what they are ignorant about unless they become...

When you let Emotions-go away from your mind it becomes Ego. What I mean here is that ego is the attribute of mind and self respect is the attribute of complete self that includes heart + mind.Note, Mind is personal but heart is not.The emotions...

Most of us might have come across many of the sites below. If we have it in organized way, it will be really helpful :)   Useful Websites List   Legal Affairs. www.cyberlawindia. com www.india-laws. com www.lawinfo. .com www.lawsinindia....

Perhaps, the key to the progress of the nation is the attitude of the citizen. What makes supermen out of ordinary individuals? When the citizen sees, that he is neither any more, nor any less than any other citizen. Superiority and inferiority...

We are into 2010 and yet it is another New Year for us.   Lot of things have changed in the world in which we live in over the years. While some things have become totally extinct like typewriters, radios and rickshaws for they have been replaced...

who am I? I somehow managed to think about this, who am I? I pride on it, I am nothing upto me, I have no big deal with myself, but for you(others), I am something afterall. I do things for the following reasons, 1.To get noticed 2.For my...

Happiness is a term too hard to define. when you find people around you so busy to find their own inner worlds and courting troubles as the inevitable consequence in real life (or rather the so called practical life). you must appreciate the fact...

Would we really, for instance, likLifee to know exactly what other people think of us (directly I mean, using telepathy, rather than inferring it from what they say or how they behave towards us)? Would we like to be instantly informed of every...

When one expresses to others, one is being dishonest with the self, and one is trying to be honest to others. One is dishonest with the self, because one is trying to explain to others, (this is in reference to my previous sentence). You need to...

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