Articles [General Reference]

Depression is a bad emotion , in which the world looks like hell . I am not intrested in doing any work , heart beats faster , may have headache It is more of like hypertension .so it is like hell, now here is how I cure it .and now it has...

Success has been our satisfaction because we had been brought up in a world that feels so. The basic need to success is first to know what is your success then only you can know weather you have succeeded or not and only success gives satisfaction...

Creativity What is creativity? Is creativity exits in this world? When someone's way of dealing things looks different from usual way people call it creativity , usually creative people think on their own where as non-creative minds are either...

What is Death? Death reminds us of the fact that it is superior to us. The cycle of life and death goes on old beings wear away, new beings are born. Our count down starts from entering into this life, that is clock runs clock wise but life runs...

Perhaps, to become wise, one has to experience the lack of wisdom in one's life. This has to be a perpetual experience, and then, even if you do not experience your own wisdom, you will be wise, because you will by default, strive for...

Tips to control your anger Today its nice question how to control your anger quality. Following are some tips to control your anger. 1. First step is to developing awareness. To develop awareness we need to do yoga and meditation. 2. Always do...

  With the changing needs of time and the dynamic world, the emergence of various new-age tools has caught the imagination of the marketing professionals and the email marketing is the latest addition in the list. The concept of email marketing is...

Hi friends, through the PROVERB SERIES, I would to share/discuss about certain proverbs in detail with a story or explanation. In this PROVERB SERIES-1 article, the proverb that I have taken is:WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY. A great...

Hi friends, in this PROVERB SERIES-2 article, the proverb that I have taken is:ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. Gold is a precious metal. It is precious because it is always bright and beautiful. Like iron it is not dark; nor like copper or brass...

Many people are creating websites or blog to earn money and also have been successful making good amount of can also create your blog or website and try to earn money. Its not a hard thing and many  people with very less knowledge also do...

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