Articles [General Reference]

One may have never thought to write articles or what is article writing. Article writing may have been completly a new experience or new thing for you. Article writing may not be easy for some people and for some one it may be very easy. Articles...

Your duty with Love Many times, people. don’t want to do something and yet they feel forced to do it. whenever one does something in conflicts it definitely gives strain to the unconscious mind . Any action that one performs should not be done...

  A hobby is a pleasant work done in our leisure hours. It is not our main work. It gives us pleasure and peace of mind. It may give us profit and fame. There are many kinds of hobbies. They are gardening, stamp-collecting, music etc. Many...

BOREDOM Despite our extraordinary variety of diversions and resources, our frenzy for spectacles and feverish pursuit of entertainment, we are bored. The abundance of efforts made to counter boredom has defeated themselves, and boredom has become...

Introduction: Hi friends in this article let us discuss about some of the key aspects of smoking and most importantly how the ban of smoking is effective in many countries.Here we will not discuss in detail about the biological point of view,...

          In this PROVERB SERIES-3 article, the proverb that I have taken is:          A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE.          It is human nature to postpone things. Often we feel lazy and therefore postpone them. But more often than not, it is...

In this PROVERB SERIES-4 article, the proverb that I have taken is:TRUTH ALONE TRIUMPS. From the time we get up from our sleep in the morning, till we go to bed again at night, we tell a hundred lies, most of them unwittingly. Not because we take...

Lfe is 10% and 90% you have to make it. Whets the secret of success? Right decisions. How do you make right decisions? By experience. How do you get experience? By wrong decisions. "Impossible" itself says "I m possible". When you Really...

Important Messages You are not a responsible person if you tend to repeat your previous mistake. Deep Concentration is the best way to become more positive in life.. Do not hurt your parent; remember the days of your childhood, when they...

When I was small Many times I don’t have any money with me I don’t know how to help without money. So some times I used to save money and help the poor people who are begging. At that time I don’t know whether to encourage the begging or not. But...

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