Articles [General Reference]

If we do good things god will do good to us and if we do bad things god will punish us. So what is the need of praying god?? Also god will not be an autocrat who expects people to be under his feet to fulfill their wishes Praying God may give...

Don’t think these both the and family need to be compared. Family helps to create a good career and career helps to make a family happy. A good family makes you have a great career which in future leads to a better life and happy...

There are a lot many changes which the country is coming up with do you think that it is going towards progress like we have a rise in telecom sector fashion upcoming of reality shows giving everyone a chance to represent themselves, or you just...

What is the objective of life? There is nothing like a common objective. It's a matter of perspective and I think it will differ from person to person. Each one of us can see different reasons for our existence. I personally believe that the...

One of the main objectives of our life is to attain 'Wisdom'. Once Socrates said that "Wisdom is innate in everybody" but to realize it i believe you need Pure knowledge and Guidance and in the end if one does Acquires Wisdom then all other...

Adult learners with specific goals and multiple responsibilities are fueling demand for distance delivery. The number of distance subbaccalaureate certificate programs offered by colleges and universities nearly doubled from 1995-1998 (Lewis et al....

  The death of the Communist Party patriarch Jyoti Basu at a ripe age of 95 marks the end of an era of the politics in Bengal and of the country. While historians would critically analyze his role and contribution to the state and the nation, it...

In this article will study about different methods of cooking food and different utensils and devices used for cooking. We will also learn ow cooking was done in earlier times. Cooking is means preparing food. It makes the food soft and tasty....

A certain merchant sent his son to the wisest of all men to learn the Secret of Happiness. The youth walked during forty days by a desert until he arrived to a beautiful castle, at the top of a mountain. There lived the wise one he was looking...

Hi friends, in this article I would like to explain you about what is REAL ELEVATION. The following five qualities are essential to achieve success in life:1. Truth2. Honesty3. Hard work irrespective of the result.4. Not hurting others (except in...

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