Articles [General Reference]

Plastics are a subset of materials known as Polymers. These are composed of large molecules formed by joining many smaller molecules together (monomers). Other kinds of polymers are fibres, elastomers, surface coating and biopolymers, such as...

The main reason for india being so behind in olympics is the lack of preparation. and for this there r several reasons, the main being the lack of initiatives - initiatiives by the talented to get to the platform, initiatives by the govt to find...

Well media plays a very vital role in our social life Indian media is definitely not playing any positive role for citizens. They are not at all sensitive to the reality or real situations happening. Whatever they are showing is irrelevant for...

This is a complete guide on how to use chat rooms in Yahoo Messenger.Apart from the steps to start a chat, this article also deals with safety measure we have to take when chatting with an unknown person.In short, this is a must read article for...

This article is my special dedication for some of my friends who are very hard working .In this article i am going to tell you about some people who i know who are very hard working and never give up they have their goals set and do lot of hard...

Do you think reservation based on caste system in educational institutes justified.? Is it just to gain vote bank or is it really to help our society? Should the creamy layer be allowed to take benefit of d reservation? What are the...

I really want to thank Boddunan for displaying my banner ad today ( 16/1/2010).Today you can see the add at the top right corner "Do you know this?" and I tried this new advertising space introduced by Boddunan and since it is a starting i just...

Any type of cloth made by weaving or knitting is called a textile. In this article, we will study about different types of clothes worn in India. We will also study how a cloth is decorated. People in different parts o India wear different...

In this article we will learn what pottery is and what the things we can make through it are. The art of making useful things from clay is called pottery. All pottery objects are made of clay. Clay is a sticky, wet type of soil. When it is baked...

  In the last 30 days or so there has been a lot of cases of suicides done by children mainly school or college students. There may be various reasons for which they are committing suicide which is also an offense. Some questions like Why they are...

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