Articles [General Reference]

What is stick? A stick is a long, thin piece of something. It is usually wood. What can you do with a stick? Well, you can use a stick to scratch with. An itch on the middle of your back is very hard to scratch. A stick will help you reach...

  Time is one of the most important factor in life. Once time goes it never comes again. Once a thing is done it is done it cannot be changes. One cant go into the history nor change it. Time is as important as money one should spend it carefully....

If superstitious beliefs like witchcraft and sorcery or black magic couple up with the poverty, sound physical and mental health is impossible. Contagious diseases other forms of illness plague the poor. All these factories deprive the poor of even...

Have you ever counted how many times in a day we are happy and what our mental condition is during that time on the other hand when we are unhappy what our mental condition is at that time. it needs careful observation of mental state during the...

If you are going through a bad phase in your personal relationships. All your friendships seem to have become meaningless. You can’t figure out what is it that makes friendships last long. Why do issues crop up that rob all the trust and faith from...

Usually we say, “Don’t hate anybody!” Do you know why you shouldn’t hate someone? When you hate someone, their impression become strong in you. You become like them. Not having hate someone is not for their sake. Your hatred makes you like them....

Many people try various ways to quit smoking but they fail. They just give excuses like smoking has become their habit and its hard for them to stop smoking. People try to search easy ways by which they can easily quit smoking but for them its hard...

  The relationship between a student and his master is similar to that of the relationship between a blood donor and a blood donee. As the constitution of the donee’s body expects a blood gourp in harmony with his group of blood. Likewise the...

This truth was revealed four years back in Malaysia's Penang, when I met soldiers who fought in 2nd world war. As per the history taught to us, in this six decades,India got independence due to Mahatma Gandhiji and his followers' non violent...

Katherine Mansfield, seeks to expose, in her shortstories, the inner workings of the human mind with a remarkable insight. "A Cup of Tea" is  astudy of the mind of a society lady, Rosemary Fell. Rosemary Fell was not very beautiful. She was...

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