Articles [General Reference]

  In India there is a large section of the people who are firm believers in the law of Karma and their belief is so profound that it almost borders on a kind of dangerous fatalism. The subscribers to this predominant belief propound that all our...

  Mahendra Rajapakse is back again in the seat of power in Srilanka.. In the Srilankan Presidential elections which were held in the backdrop of the complete rout of the LTTE which threw a serious challenge to the governments of that country over...

The frogs and the boys A group of boys were playing near a pond. After a while they got bored. They picked up some stones and began to throw them into the pond. Stone after stone hit the water. Now a family of frogs lived in the pond. They were...

You are Master of Your DestinyThose people who always curse their luck at the face of misfortunes, please remember that you are hundred percent responsible for what you are in your life.  You have made your destiny by your own hands.  Your past has...

Water is a necessity for all living beings . It is a necessity for all may be animals, plants or human beings. We human beings use water for various activities like washing clothes, drinking , bathing etc . We human beings use water the most and we...

  There are many people who blame embracing democracy to be the main reason for our relatively slow progress in our national development citing China's phenomenal strides in different spheres but the truth is democratic form has won our choice...

  There are certain traits in the persons whom we interact in our daily live which apparently get on our nerves and argumentativeness is one these. This can generally be defined and described a tendency on the part of person to take a contrarian...

Kavita loved to dance. She loved it more than anything else in the world. She danced all day. She danced everywhere. Often, she was so busy dancing that she forgot all about the other things she had to do. ``Kavita, do your homework! Kavita, eat...

  The helplessness that marked the statement of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yusaf Raja Gilani, expressing his country's inability to guarantee that the kind of terrorist attack which shook India on the financial capital of India, Mumbai would...

The Path Of Surrender Is The Path Of Love Krishna tells Arjuna, "You are very dear to me."  Then Krishna tells Arjuna he must surrender. Surrender begins with an  assumption. First you must assume. You assume you are the most beloved of the...

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