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I am again asking to solve this that the review of restaurant which I submitted on 22nd June still not get approved yet.I contacted two times to the support team but no response. I don't know who is going to solve it or reply. And then recently also I submitted another review.

Maverick will solve this.

Just would like everyone know that, reviews submitted without images will not get approved. Please resubmit with proper images for supporting your review.

Could it be so enabled that unless one attaches photographs, the review cannot be submitted at all? If it can be implemented, then such problems will not arise!
will try to do that.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
I have submitted a quiz long time ago but still not approved. I have contact the support too but no reply..
Request @ Maverick to look into this matter..
Sir/Madam,i have to clarify that if i kept any article for a long time in edit mode,will it be deleted by admin? Because i got deleted two articles for being kept in edit mode.Should i continue with a new topic or shall i take the old topic by writing new content(i.e topic same but content is new)?
Sir/Madam,i have to clarify that if i kept any article for a long time in edit mode,will it be deleted by admin? Because i got deleted two articles for being kept in edit mode.Should i continue with a new topic or shall i take the old topic by writing new content(i.e topic same but content is new)?

You can edit by changing anything in your article. when you finally submit, this will be edited.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sir/Madam,i have to clarify that if i kept any article for a long time in edit mode,will it be deleted by admin? Because i got deleted two articles for being kept in edit mode.Should i continue with a new topic or shall i take the old topic by writing new content(i.e topic same but content is new)?

You can edit by changing anything in your article. when you finally submit, this will be edited.

Sir,the problem is i couldn't make editing in my article editing section since the system says my article is deleted for being kept long time and for not submitting.I got deleted before i submitting my article.
Sir/Madam,i have to clarify that if i kept any article for a long time in edit mode,will it be deleted by admin? Because i got deleted two articles for being kept in edit mode.Should i continue with a new topic or shall i take the old topic by writing new content(i.e topic same but content is new)?

You can edit by changing anything in your article. when you finally submit, this will be edited.

Sir,the problem is i couldn't make editing in my article editing section since the system says my article is deleted for being kept long time and for not submitting.I got deleted before i submitting my article.

Dinesh, everything occupies space and what is not usable is deleted to make space for other articles. So if you kept it in unfinished for a long time, it has been deleted. So remember now never to do it again, I myself had two of my articles deleted for the same reason. So you have to start afresh on those articles. If you click on the title of the article via Dashboard, you can still copy the data you already typed.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, DINESH XAVIER
I have submitted a quiz long time ago but still not approved. I have contact the support too but no reply..
Request @ Maverick to look into this matter..
Rajani, I haven't seen your message. Let me check your quiz.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I have submitted a quiz long time ago but still not approved. I have contact the support too but no reply..
Request @ Maverick to look into this matter..
Rajani, I haven't seen your message. Let me check your quiz.
Unfortunately I can see only quiz you submitted way back in december no recent one. can you check if you can see it in My Quizzes page?

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Yes maverick it is the one submitted on 2012-12-14 but still showing unpublished status..
Its infact not approved hence you see it as unpublished otherwise you will see it as pending.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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