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My latest article 'The cigarette taster' has been published as a story article but this does not find a place in my profile nor is included in the list of articles in index. Also my number of articles is shown as 94 whereas the total comes to 95 after including this. Moreover, name of author is missing on this article. This needs verification and correction of record.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Today after a long time i submitted one tourist destination it showed that it has been submitted successfully but image upload is different. I submitted the image and cancelled the page so it has been submitted or not. As the process is very new.

Sharmistha Banerjee
My latest article 'The cigarette taster' has been published as a story article but this does not find a place in my profile nor is included in the list of articles in index. Also my number of articles is shown as 94 whereas the total comes to 95 after including this. Moreover, name of author is missing on this article. This needs verification and correction of record.
you have selected site articles section which is meant for admin articles only.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
My latest article 'The cigarette taster' has been published as a story article but this does not find a place in my profile nor is included in the list of articles in index. Also my number of articles is shown as 94 whereas the total comes to 95 after including this. Moreover, name of author is missing on this article. This needs verification and correction of record.
you have selected site articles section which is meant for admin articles only.

Thank you sir. Now I see that some change has been made.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Please anyone reply to my above post.about submission of tourist destination.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Please anyone reply to my above post.about submission of tourist destination.

You should ask such queries through support only as no one but support has answers to articles related queries.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

I want to know to send nominations of articles weather published date or submission date is considered. :blink:

Also there are few articles which I started long ago but could not finish I am not able to save them after editing what should I do now. :blink:
I want to know to send nominations of articles weather published date or submission date is considered. :blink:

Also there are few articles which I started long ago but could not finish I am not able to save them after editing what should I do now. :blink:

If you are writing on boddunan editor the date of starting would count but if you are writing them on notepad the date you submit would count. If you started long back on boddunan editor, they will not submit now as after a certain period such articles are not accepted. My best guess is such articles treated as expired or archived but not usable any more. Write them again with changed name and submit.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
I want to know to send nominations of articles weather published date or submission date is considered. :blink:

Also there are few articles which I started long ago but could not finish I am not able to save them after editing what should I do now. :blink:

If you are writing on boddunan editor the date of starting would count but if you are writing them on notepad the date you submit would count. If you started long back on boddunan editor, they will not submit now as after a certain period such articles are not accepted. My best guess is such articles treated as expired or archived but not usable any more. Write them again with changed name and submit.

So I think its better to write on note pad for people who take long time to finish article once started. :blink:
I have given contribution of 200 for Uttarakhand peoples.

But instead of cutting that 200 balance from my account it got added up.... So pls check. ;)

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