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That is irony of the present day completion that even 91% is considered a bad score that drives a talented boy to commit suicide.

Yes, Our country has lost one of its future pillars. Comparing to 1980s, the kids are very talented now-a-days. But they are not confident enough to face the problems.

Born to express, not to impress.
That is irony of the present day completion that even 91% is considered a bad score that drives a talented boy to commit suicide.

Yes, Our country has lost one of its future pillars. Comparing to 1980s, the kids are very talented now-a-days. But they are not confident enough to face the problems.

But that is more important kids should learn more to face problems in life than just to think of scoring high percentage in school/college. Practically speaking one who is able to face problems boldly is more successful in life than others. :)
That is irony of the present day completion that even 91% is considered a bad score that drives a talented boy to commit suicide.

And destroys the confidence levels in the most intelligent people too
That is irony of the present day completion that even 91% is considered a bad score that drives a talented boy to commit suicide.

Yes, Our country has lost one of its future pillars. Comparing to 1980s, the kids are very talented now-a-days. But they are not confident enough to face the problems.

But that is more important kids should learn more to face problems in life than just to think of scoring high percentage in school/college. Practically speaking one who is able to face problems boldly is more successful in life than others. :)

True. Life lessons are equally needed for development
I have seen students who scored 96 percent in Pre university doing quite badly in competetive exams which are based on practical knowledge and ones own mental capability and intelligence, most parents fail to realise that what is important is an all round development not just numbers, as always Indians lay stress on quantity rather than quality...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The cutthroat competition prevailing in the education system is driving the students to suicides.

I do not know why that body commits suicide even after scoring 91%. I need counselling is needed for students and cinema professionals since they often commit suicides.

The boy knows very well about the value of 91%, because there are people with 100% waiting in the wings
hmm!!! 91% is very good i have never seen that marks in my educational phase. I think main culprit is present education system and parents should not put so much pressure on children, it doesn't mean they should avoid interfering in their education..

My neighbors daughter studying 10th class often get scoldings from both her parents just for not getting 1 mark. She performs good with 99 marks in almost every subject but still they are not satisfied. Due to this treatment now she is not going to school at all and her parents have to start giving her tutions...
I have seen students who scored 96 percent in Pre university doing quite badly in competetive exams which are based on practical knowledge and ones own mental capability and intelligence, most parents fail to realise that what is important is an all round development not just numbers, as always Indians lay stress on quantity rather than quality...

True. . That reminds me of an adage, "A spoonful of cow's milk is better than a Potful of Donkey;s milk."
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