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Many times not only parents are responsible, school/collages are also responsible also.
I don't know what has happened to children.why they commit such dangerous thing.Dying is not the solution.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I don't know what has happened to children.why they commit such dangerous thing.Dying is not the solution.

Actually they should get good counselling to know about the life and future. Once they failed they think that this is end and do such. You have said one thing good that dying is not the solution.
Parents and teachers should stand beside their children and students. Actually there are some worst teachers who insult and abuse students in such a way that they commit suicide. There can be many cause behind a person's suicide commitment. Mind of the students must be strong enough to fight back the situation.
Such a thing is happening all over the country all because of the undue pressure put by the parents on their children and putting them under pressure...marks become the most important factor in life above everything else !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

most recently we have seen the suicide of a bsc nursing student in the same place..Kottayam....
The place filled with NRI Christians....
she committed suicide for not sanctioning a loan.
Most sad part, the bank manager is my hubby's dearest friend and co-worker. Actually when kids do such mistakes, others are brought into trouble.
just imagine Thomas parents........

Kids commit mistakes under the able guidance of the elders. Parents are the cause. Plight of Children is the effect.

Yes babuji. Also the education system plays a vital role in this issue.
THis is not his fault. This is the fault of parents and teachers who forced to get 100%

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Such a thing is happening all over the country all because of the undue pressure put by the parents on their children and putting them under pressure...marks become the most important factor in life above everything else !

I guess parents put pressure because of the prevailing system of education. Many education institutions have set such a high cut off marks for admission that students feel the pressure to score more marks. The height of such absurdity was when last year or before that, one university in Delhi had 100 percent as cut off mark to get admitted in commerce.
OMG that is foolish. :evil: 91% is good not every student is able to score such a high percentage. :evil:
That is irony of the present day completion that even 91% is considered a bad score that drives a talented boy to commit suicide.

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