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According to me, worst people living in white gown should be exposed. The innocent people who are unaware of trick photogarphy or videography on internet should be protected first. Social networking sites should protect the account holders from being hacked by teasers on internet. Many a times, fake emails are send from hacked email id, which is a crime.
Rest people has right to know about celebrities and politicians, whom they admire alot.
Sonia Gandhi profile has been defaced by hackers.

This is bad. Revealing the truth is different from insulting someone willingly. Sonia Gandhi is powerful woman of India. She has an international figure. She has worked hard and faced many situations to achieve her goal. Even today also I don't think anybody can compete her the best. This is out of jealosy or mean intension.
Such things must not be there in internet sites.
this incident further shows the need to have some regulation placed by the government.
haahaha sonia gandhi account is hacked by hackers this shows how our government security is.

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All social networking sites are informal,chatty and at times downright offensive and rude but the fact is that you can do very little about controlling them as the loud-mouthed minister Kapil Sibal would sure to learn in a few days' time with all huffing and puffing! US politicians are regularly taken to the cleaners by these sites and they have lived to learn with them! Why are we so ridiculously thin-skinned!!!
haahaha sonia gandhi account is hacked by hackers this shows how our government security is.

this is not a government account....the account was the congress party website....government has strictly no role here.
All social networking sites are informal,chatty and at times downright offensive and rude but the fact is that you can do very little about controlling them as the loud-mouthed minister Kapil Sibal would sure to learn in a few days' time with all huffing and puffing! US politicians are regularly taken to the cleaners by these sites and they have lived to learn with them! Why are we so ridiculously thin-skinned!!!

it is not really about we being thin skinned and americans being is all about a nations integrity.content screening is one thing and hacking is another. content screening that is an issue where nothing can be done.but hackings have to stopped at any cost.
My comments are not in relation to hacking it's all about feasibility of controlling contents!And I also fail to understand how the integrity of the nation is breached this way!!!
Now a days the hackers are trying to hack everything . B) :sick:

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[quote]All social networking sites are informal,chatty and at times downright offensive and rude but the fact is that you can do very little about controlling them as the loud-mouthed minister Kapil Sibal would sure to learn in a few days' time with all huffing and puffing! US politicians are regularly taken to the cleaners by these sites and they have lived to learn with them! Why are we so ridiculously thin-skinned!!! [/quote]

My sentiments exactly. I have repeated earlier too that such issues should not be over hyped over the media! In fact I think sometimes cleaning up of these politicians is very necessary.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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